Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
Energy flows where attention goes.
To get what you really want in life, you need a clear goal that has purpose and meaning behind it.
Once this is in place, you can focus your energy on the goal and become obsessive about it.
When you learn how to focus your energy, amazing things happen.
MermaidDiagram Comment.
Relationships that are merely based on practicality or utility will ultimately make us feel lonely.
Love is a longing for becoming one with another human being that nobody of us can avoid.
Behind every 'I love you', there is an invisible 'until'.
The love we say we feel for another is, in most cases, just a selfish hunt for our own happiness.
I’m wrapped in you.Melting in your silhouetteand becoming one,a strange contour of love,flowing with the wind.
Exposure to erotically inclined stimuli immediately activates parts of a male brain that are associated with sexual desire. Being attracted to other women, however, doesn’t mean men would betray the trust they are given and harm the partnership with the women they love.
Not every marital union is going to be a meaningful and fulfilling experience.Most of marriages today are nothing more than poorly or well managed coexistence.
To retreat in my aloneness,my beautifully peaceful garden, to find shade under my heart, in the solitude of abundance, without you in sight.
The day you reached your pockets,giving me broken shells that I cherishedas the most precious jewels,I hoped that you, perhaps,will find missing pieces of your broken heart in me.I was wrong because you are still looking for them in someone else.
Only the desireless cansee the world objectively,detached from emotion,outcome and need.But what is the meaning of the truthif there is no love in between?
I covet him.His hot body over mine,sweaty and smelling like grassafter the rain.I want to live that moment of Erosagain and again and again.Never having enough of him,the masculine image of me,a piece of art,unique masterpiece of God,that is calmly sleeping beside me.
It is you folding me like the bellows of an accordion.I am surrendering.Only to you.And giving you the right to own me as you will.
His eyes mimic mine.Sublime beauty marksof a man’s face.Staring and penetrating.Gentle and loving.Salacious.Immaculate.Feeding my hopeand starving my anguish.
The world stops existing in your arms,leaving me speechless…In love with love.
Love gives value to the one who lovesand not to the loved one.
The new story of ardour unfolding,the tale of tantrums of the hearts.An affair with a strangerwho still can’t feel it,while silently roaming its streets.
The two of us,two lost keys of the different doors,once strangers and now a souvenir of pain.
Is it possible to silencethe mind of a loverwithout losing it?Getting desires fulfilledmight satisfy it,taking away its peace.
I wonder if Gaudi was collecting piecesof broken tiles,trying to mend his shattered heart,his crushed soul,his splintered being,his overwhelming sorrow for the unrequited love.
Love me.As a mother whohad fed you on her breasts.Like a lover whoteased you with them.Like a friend on whosechest you laid yourhead and wept.Love me.
What is love but a word?A feeling roughly concordant to fear?A fantasy that breaks throughthe heartbreakand endows the defeated with bravery?
Loving someone deeply makes us blind to the signs of emotional neglect.
We always say we choose our partners following our free will, when in fact, it is our cultures, traditions and religions that instilled different set of values ( and desirable virtues ) and as such directly affected what we consider acceptable in our relationships.
Even the "proper way" of how we express our love for another is imposed on us and dictated by societies we live in.
The common ways of 'dealing with problems' are escapism and indulgence.Rare of us realize that inside issues can never be fixed on the outside.
The greatest power of love is in its capability to revive, regenerate and expand after we have experienced and overcome difficulties in our relationships.
Drop by a drop of rain will bring a deluge,unless the dry summer skyis suppressing the clouds.But love…If given little by little,nobody can feed off its crumbs.Only a woman who loves thinks a little is enough,for the one who is precious to her heart,her eyes cannot see.
Hug me, though I know it is fake.In cold winter nightseven a snake feels warm,even lies sound asdreams fulfilled andlove reciprocated.
Hold me as if I were the most fragileobject that a touch of a feathercould break.Dance with me with the same animal craving,with the same desireyou would make love to me.
Everything losesit’s splendour and lightwhen your lashes flopover the dark circlesbelow your eyes.Asleep. Soft.With a scent of thedate cookiesyou ate as a child.
Like the tigresswatching her playing cubwhile napping,covered with sun raysthat are blinding her.She opens her eyes widerat every sound,at every movement ofthe trees, air, soil…Protective. Alert.That is how you look at me.Wanting to save mefrom all that could harm me.Preventing my pain by loving me
I can’t tell if the flameinside meis a sin or a virtue.Am I closer to holyfor ignoring and abandoningthe lustful desires of my body?Or am I steppinginto the flames of the eternal firefor not indulging,for not satisfying,for not wantingall joys of the earthly pleasures?
Old wounds frighten me morethan those that areahead of me.I am afraid that the stitchesmight bleed again.
My eyes, on occasions,would ablaze with excitement,hoping for the new love to let my sparkle free.It is my heart that needs a lot of persuasionsbecause its pain will hurt no one but me …
Touch me with your bestial pupils,keep me in a floating air between us,clasp my shuddering thoughtsbelow the moonlightcaptured in a candle jar.
Our goodnight spooningbecame goodbye turning awayfrom one another,the farther we could,to the edges of the same bed.
The dreams are escape forthe fearful and sensitive heartswho wanted to seize the dayand catch the butterflywithout killing it between the palms.
Give my soul to Heaven to keep it,while I am becoming nothing but pleasurein your skilful hands of a sculptor.
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.