Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
I never feared about my skills because I put in the work. Work ethic eliminates fear.
So if you put forth the work, what are you fearing? You know what you're capable of doing and what you're not.
-- Michael Jordan
MermaidDiagram Comment.
I tell the stories of my life through quotes.
The Obama/Biden and Trump/Pence administrations were failures and it is time to go with someone new.
COVID-19 is not a good time to be a cashier.
By the time COVID-19 is over, the death toll will be comparable to war.
The news was progressing so rapidly in 2020 that I was having a hard time keeping up with it.
People will remember 2020 for a long time.
It is time to remove President Trump.
I have spent time with infinity.
It is common sense not to buy ‘Made In USA’ products during a time of extreme American deregulation.
By the time I left Dartmouth College, I regarded the management team as a dangerous group of people.
It has been an ‘Entertaining’ 4 years with President Trump and it is now time for the finale.
There will be many orphaned children by the time the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
The French solved the problem of toilet paper shortages a long time ago and called it the ‘Bidet’.
Faith is to believe and knowledge is accomplished through death.
Develop a high level of understanding of trees and you will be able to transfer that knowledge into human health.
Faith is life and knowledge is death.
Faith is to suspect something is there and knowledge is to encounter it.
To understand why my health was failing, I applied astronomical knowledge to my mind and body.
Based on what I saw over a decade of medical treatment, you may be in serious trouble if you do not have knowledge of human health and biomedical systems.
Writing quotes is therapy for my damaged brain.
Knowledge is having a mental history of past events and wisdom is having the ability to relate those past events to the present and future.
Hello internet, hello world.
I tell the story of my life through quotes.
I am a dangerous person to the corporate world because I have far too much knowledge of their frauds and corruption.
Question convention.
I will use the full range of knowledge I have accumulated on High Altitude Observatory Diseases (HAOD) to assist in the shut down of the biologically toxic 1.4 billion dollar Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii.
Never lie to an engineer about their specialty, as they will know that you are lying to them.
Faith is life, knowledge is death, and choosing the correct one is wisdom.
Failures fuel my drive to discovery.
Each failure is another step towards discovery.
Never underestimate a committed person.
To shut down a project, advancing scientific knowledge on the biological toxicity of that project to its workers is always a good starting point.
My knowledge of environmental radiation problems prevents me from allowing the sky to be filled with tens of thousands of biologically toxic satellites.
Navigate through research to develop discoveries.
I go where the research takes me.
Out of the ashes of failing health, discovery was born.
Companies generally withhold their knowledge that some of their jobs are known to be toxic to their unsuspecting workers.
Idea, research, discovery, publish, and repeat.
The insatiable quest for knowledge is far greater than the quest for worker health and safety.
The joy of research is picking the fruits of discovery.
Knowledge is having a wide range of past history, whereas wisdom is being able to apply history to the present and the future.
Active faith is having the wisdom to know that you can develop future knowledge to alleviate your currently incurable sickness.
Discovery comes from a lot of failures, knowledge, wisdom, faith, and a dose of craziness.
Knowledge is the tip of the iceberg whereas wisdom is the entire iceberg.
Research is like swimming. If you stop swimming you will never make it to the other side. If you stop researching you will never make it to discovery.
Sustained research will lead you to discovery.
We all know that birth ultimately ends with death.
We all know that birth is the start of the illness, disease and death processes.
We are approaching a time where the masses will become wise and stop supporting the toxic pursuit of knowledge of Space and instead demand the closure of these biologically harmful industries.
Have faith that COVID-19 will never kill your spirit.
While many explorers like to endure hardship by traveling to remote inhospitable parts of the world, I prefer to explore from the comfort of my own home.
Death frees us from the sickness of modern life.
Prepare to die and hope to live.
The ignorant hope they never get COVID-19 and the wise prepare for a possible future infection.
Plan to retire in ill health and hope to retire in good health.
I have no faith in Workers Compensation.
I have had no faith in the government for years.
Have faith that whatever the outcome of COVID-19, your spirit will be okay.
I have followed my instincts many times when I have been looking for things that I could not see, and faith that they would be revealed with time has always been rewarded.
When you have faith, you never die alone.
It was who you knew and not how good you were that determined success in certain high altitude observatories.
I spend most of my time with my friend called “Failure” and I really enjoy it when my best friend called “Discovery” drops by for an occasional visit.
Mindset is knowing that time will eventually reveal what is making you sick.
Over time, wonder replaced fear of the Hawaiian visions.
During my time in high altitude astronomy, I was never informed that I was working in an abnormal radiation environment for the sea level adapted human.
During my time in high altitude astronomy, I became aware of workers having gender issues. Many years later I discovered that sex hormones were affected by high altitude exposures.
The friend that I spend all of my time with is called Mental Illness.
There was a time that made in America was a great thing. Unfortunately, times have changed in some areas that the USA specializes in.
I am changing the world, one quote at a time.
Waste my time and we will have a problem.
It is time to embrace the end of the Space race.
After receiving USA citizenship, I have a hard time identifying as a citizen because the USA has an established history of mistreating me.
The Trump administration are making it clear that it is a bad time to be a whistle blower.
It is time to demolish the biologically toxic Mauna Kea Observatories (MKO).
It is time to end the insanity that calls itself very high altitude astronomy.
The smart phone is a really amazing device, but it is a bad idea to hold one next to your brain for extended periods of time.
It is disappointing to witness the corporate government disability system letting massive numbers of sickened people down during their greatest time of need.
Anything can break at any time.
Am I mad or am I just in a time warp?
Through experience I have learned not to waste my time trying to convince corrupt corporate government officials of the truth.
Every time there is a mass shooting in the USA, I wonder if the shooter was an insane masturbator.
Whenever I see a homeless person on the street, I think ‘That could be me in a few years time’.
Whenever I see a homeless person on the street, I think ‘That could me me in a few years time’.
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) is largely an interrogation agency for whistle-blowers that extracts their full range of knowledge without upholding their legal rights.
The internet is far more knowledgeable than any doctor.
The western world is a dishonest society of non-disclosure agreements, cash for silence, and the illegal removal of civil rights from those in the know.
There is a social responsibility for those in the know to protect those that do not know.
The hallmarks of a dishonest society are cash for silence, non-disclosure agreements and the illegal removal of rights of those in the know.
The insane human mind is the greatest scientific instrument known to mankind.
The science of spirituality requires that I oppose the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) atop Mauna Kea.
I find spirituality to be the most fascinating aspect of scientific research.
Research is turning the unknown into reality.
If someone tells you that something is impossible and you believe them, you should probably not be a researcher.
I am going to hunt you down with science.
Astronomy needs to clean up its act and the first step in the right direction is the demolition of the biologically toxic Mauna Kea Observatories.
The biologically toxic electromagnetic cover up is one of the most destructive actions that modern governments are engaging in.
Biological science is clear that the Mauna Kea Observatories must be shut down to protect the long term health of the summit workers. It will be interesting to see how long astronomers willfully ignore the science.
The W. M. Keck Observatory is the only employer that has surprise drug tested me during my employment.
The internet has enabled research that was previously done over the lifetime of a large group of researchers to be done in just a few years by a single person.
Biological science clearly states that it is impossible to make the summit of Mauna Kea safe for the sea level adapted workers. As such, the Mauna Kea Observatories should be demolished as soon as possible to protect the health and safety of the unsuspecting workers.
Damage my health and I will hunt you down with science.
Mercury is a hot and inhospitable world. Like the planet Mercury, mercury poisoning creates a hot and inhospitable world within the human.
While astronomers have been studying Mercury, I have been living with mercury.
Mercury poisoning will take you into a very dark place and chelation will bring you back into the light.
Mercury poisoning wrecked my health and career.
I connect the clues of research to obtain discovery.
Follow the clues of investigation to breakthrough.
Research is the GPS to discovery.
The poorly educated air their grievances with guns, the smart use science, discovery and the global internet.
The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) atop Mauna Kea was an opportunity to push forward the science of High Altitude Observatory Diseases (HAOD).
I am a person of science and spirit.
When it comes to Steven Magee versus the 1.4 billion dollar Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) atop Mauna Kea, the established biological science on the toxicity of very high altitudes to summit workers is on Magee’s side.
While astronomers have been pleasuring themselves with Space, I have been exploring the biological science of insane masturbators.
I venture into research areas that corporate controlled scientists are forbidden from.
When I look at the high level of science that I have been able to produce on just a few thousand dollars per year, I shake my head in disbelief at the need to spend 1.4 billion dollars on a single research project.
Contribute to culture.
When I think about science fiction turning into reality, the development of Space has been the most profound transition.
The concept of infinity is meaningless inside of an insane human mind.
Infinity took me to places I had never been to before.
Be historic.
I am going to destroy bad science with good science.
Until the medical profession factors in all past and current environmental exposures of their patients, they will remain incompetent in the science of human health.
In some areas of corporate controlled government, science, health and infrastructure, the USA is comparable to a third world country.
It is important that the masses realize that some aspects of science are blatantly crooked.
The Mauna Kea Observatories (MKO) are a good example of what is wrong with science.
Discoveries are made out of failures.
Failure is the fabric that discovery is made from.
The innocent put their faith into their government, whereas the smart do their own research and adopt protective lifestyle changes based on biological science.
Scientific fraud is a business.
If I have seen further than those before me, it was because I connected to the spiritual world.
Failures are the directions to discovery.
Smart people use real science to shut down bad science.
I was blatantly harassed out of the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii. My response was to produce ample science that could be used to shut down the biologically toxic enterprise.
Harass me...and I will shut you down with science!
I have a love-hate relationship with radiation.
The mission in very high altitude astronomy was to obtain the science at the expense of worker health and safety.
I will use science to shut down the toxic Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii.
The science clearly states that it is impossible not to damage the long term health of a sea level adapted human that spends its life going from near sea level up to very high altitude on a daily basis.
It is starting to become established science that eating corporate USA wheat may make you fat, sickly and possibly crazy.
I am in the process of demolishing the corrupt business model of high altitude astronomy with the bulldozer of science.
Astronomers have their heads stuck up their bums looking for the black hole.
I am in a love-hate relationship with insanity.
Smart people do not use bulldozers to demolish things, they use science.
I am one of the most dangerous people to global astronomy.
It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that irresponsible scientists do not endanger their children.
When dealing with mysterious sickness, I advise people to look at what their coworkers were dying from for clues. My coworkers were were dying from suicide, gastrointestinal disease, heart disease and brain disease.
Never harass a person that can shut you down through scientific discovery.
Why object to one very high altitude telescope when you can use science to object to them all.
I want to make it clear to the high altitude astronomy community: We are not friends.
Poison my team and I will hunt you down with science.
I find fraudsters harassing me to be a motivating factor in shutting down their biologically toxic operations with science.
Lots of wrongs eventually makes it right!
I am more often wrong than right.
I am completely okay with being wrong.
After telling many doctors that I have mercury poisoning from working with mercury systems, I have never been referred to a specialist in the toxicology of mercury.
When a toxic employer damages your health, publicly hunt them down with science.
When you know that an industry is collaborating to damage their workers health, science is the best way to shut down their toxic activities.
I am the test pilot of High Altitude Observatory Disease (HAOD).
My encounters with the Hawaiian spirits atop Mauna Kea indicate that there is another universe that is not understood by modern science.
There are many different routes to discovery.
The simplest way to shut down a known biologically toxic facility is to trawl the internet for scientific papers that prove the toxicity.
I always suspected that improvements in health would come from researching the biological toxicity of high altitude to the sea level adapted human.
If I were healthy, I would not research radiation.
The more I research high altitude astronomy, the more troubling I find the long term detrimental biological effects are.
There is a fine line between radiation being your best friend or your worst enemy.
Research is like driving, as there are many different routes that all lead to the same destination.
There is only so much abuse a worker will take before they decide to shut your biologically toxic operation down with legal science.
I am blowing the whistle on high altitude astronomy because it is well overdue.
Water reflectivity is altering with the progress of global pollution.
When I reflect on my time working for the W. M. Keck Observatory, Columbia University and Dartmouth College, my memories are not of brilliant minds advancing science, but rather of shady people damaging their workers health in order to obtain tainted astronomical data.
Do not get mad, get science.
I suspect that if the long term summit workers of the Mauna Kea Observatories (MKO) were studied, they would find elevated levels of mental and physical illness, disease and premature death that comes from keeping them in an abnormal state of mal-acclimatization.
Hello high altitude astronomy, goodbye health.
The key to being a prolific discoverer is not to run with the pack.
It is a sad state of affairs that the Russians are far ahead of the USA in the science of the long term biological effects of electromagnetic radiation on a global population of over seven billion people.
If you mess with Magee, expect to get burned.
When the church of God does not welcome the President, you know something funky is going on.
COVID-19, are you going to be naughty or nice to me?
Being denied disability payments shatters your faith in corporate government.
President Trump’s people are merely demonstrating to the world what has been known to fraud researchers for a very long time: Engaging in lies and fraud is a normal aspect of corporate government.
There has never been a better time in history to be an environmental radiation researcher.
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.