Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
Energy flows where attention goes.
To get what you really want in life, you need a clear goal that has purpose and meaning behind it.
Once this is in place, you can focus your energy on the goal and become obsessive about it.
When you learn how to focus your energy, amazing things happen.
MermaidDiagram Comment.
If you constantly look stupid somewhere, you might be a genius but in the wrong place. Average minds fit in anywhere, It’s intelligence that doesn’t fit.
Love is divine. Yet it seems to come from the unconscious. Man is perhaps too much nostalgic to his animal past.
You love what you love, no reasoning, no shit, for their lies your soul.
Future can alter your past too, perhaps no wise man has told this before.
Brahman is pure consciousness while matter is disillusioned consciousness . Both cannot exist at once. You cannot sleep and wake up at once.It’s not a theory, neither a hypothesis. It’s a fact.
Samadhi is, you, dying in your own lap.
Samadhi is, you dying in your own lap.
Third eye" isn't something we add to our already existing two eyes, rather it's their deeper communion. It’s the inner eye that opens as two outer flesh-made eyes. It’s the inner eye that opens as ears, and nose and tongue too. Human body is just an opening up of the soul to this material realm.
When something is perfect, it looks plain.
That very way an infant goes to sleep, an adult awakens!
It’s quite a funny law in god’s kingdom, meekness is strength.
Mind is the subtle existence, existence is the grosser mind.
Counterintuitively “ego” itself is the proof man is a soul-with being. A mere 200 lbs body wouldn’t dare claim the moon and the ocean, the sun and the stars.
Man’s “ego” is the shadow of his own soul.
Don’t call me human, I feel belittled, consiousness is my size. Dont’t call me earthly, I feel belittled, Existential is my size.
Buddhas are innocent beings, they can easily be judged. Yet, judging a Buddha is the worst thing humanity keeps on doing to itself.
living on mind is dreaming, no matter your eyes are open or closed. waking up is strictly living beyond mind.
Everything you do wih thoughts in mind is masturbation, the real thing is somewhere else.
how can one be humble when existence resides inside him ?how can one not be humble when only existence resides inside him ??
We belong eternally to the darkness and further eternally to the light.
Amongst all these chaos, a bird always chirps. Listen to it.
Give me a little space in your heart. And I shall sing to you the hearbeat of freedom.
Man rather doubts a Buddha’s light than his own darkness.
Sanyans is a bigger-than-life phenomenon. Awakening is a bigger-than-existence phenomenon.
Dreams are reflections. Reflections are generally inverted.
Evolve, untill gods look puny to you.
Human body is the universe itself compressed into an intelligible size.
If you are pretending to meditate, you are meditating already. Because you know you are pretending. Knowing what you are doing is meditation. Karma yoga is karma plus awareness.
ईनार जमीनमै खनिन्छ, पानी जमीनबाटै रसाउछ यधपी ईनार जमीन होईन, जमीन-बिहिनता हो ।
Once we knit biology to the canvas of consciousness, things get enough complicated already. Let alone culture, science and other conditionings layered on top of them.
God is a weakling. Far weaker than air and water, formless. Be so non violent, you won’t hurt a fly, then only he appears. God is a weakling.
माटो र हावा जोडीन्छ भन्नि पत्याउछस्, शरीर र आत्मा जोडीन्छ भन्नि पत्याउदैनस ?
Man is the sky turned inside out.
You, as a soul, are the realization that you are.
Empty mind is fundamentally an eye, it observes.
Everything you do with thoughts in mind is masturbation, the real thing is somewhere else.
Life is unquestionable, We just somehow developed too many questions.
Man is an incomplete being, he needs to connect, thus social. A sanyasin is on his path to completion, he needs to disconnect, thus asocial. Buddhas are complete beings, they are simultaneously connected and disconnected, thus beyond both.
Unlike animals, man is conscious about his incompleteness, thus he is restless, And thus he has non-animalistic potentials.
First build a little faith upon life, then jump!
Lose everything, but not soul. Gain anything, but first soul.
If you have an ego bigger than your body, grow a bigger body, your ego won’t shrink.If you have an ego bigger than your soul, grow a bigger soul, your ego won’t shrink
A meditative mind gathers no Karma.
No! Soul doesn’t exist on personal level. There’s nothing like your soul and my soul. What looks unique in individuals is just another layer of mind.
Once you wake up to a better knitted reality, “life” becomes maya, an illusion.
Once you have a glimpse of the whole, life becomes unquestionable.Question it now.Once your head opens up to the existence, meditation becomes impossible.Meditate now.
To become enlightened means, to know what you are, what you are not, and still be everything.
When mind contemplates matter, it’s science. When mind contemplates soul, it’s philosophy. When soul observes mind and matter, it’s religion.
You’ll fail, try anyways, that’s how everything began.
The moment life gave us a little intelligence, we started questioning it.
सायद बगेको चिजले स्थुललाई बोलाउछ। भन्छ, यो बगिजाने चोलामा त मात्रै किन अड्किन्छस ? आइज म तलाई अस्तित्वको अन्तसम्म पुर्याउछु।
If you seriously want to live, live life non seriously.
सायद बगेको चिजले स्थुललाई बोलाउछ । भन्छ, यो बगिजाने चोलामा त मात्रै किन अड्किन्छस ? आइज म तलाई अस्तित्वको अन्तसम्म पुर्याउछु ।
Scientists research vision from eyes, smell from nose, touch from skin, soul from body.Mystics research eyes from vision, nose from smell, skin from touch and body from the soul.
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.