Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
Do something just for you every day which makes you feel good.
Take some me time to do whatever makes you happy, and create the habit of doing this every day.
By looking after your soul, it creates a ripple effect throughout your life, and others will benefit from the refreshed you.
MermaidDiagram Comment.
Develop and nurture your passion in life.Play real to win, not lose. Take fearless actions.Cleanse yourself of everything, not serve you!Say “Hell Yes,” and avoid “Hell No!
Fully embodied yourself in positive actions.Sit in the front row and not back.See, hear, listen, grow from getting the most out of your experience.Give your time great taste, don’t let your time go to waste!
Always embrace a series of abundant mentality.Ask yourself the obvious question, “What will it take”?!Don’t worry about what others will say—get out of the comfort zone.Remember, “Ask, and it shall be given!
Consider your time valuable and manage it effectively and efficiently.Don’t waste it. Produce high-quality products that will inspire others.Make it a point of duty to add value to your work during the progress.Don’t settle to less; make it your best, strive to win the test!
During the journey, help others, they will help you in return.Cast your bread upon the waters, and you will find it after many days.Encourage others. It provides excellent vibes and positive Karma!
Search yourself and find your passionStay in your circle of inspirational competence with emotional stability.Shine your personality for others to followHave fun, enjoy yourself, and model your success!
Act like the person you want to be and gracefully admire.Avoid resting our fourth pint of contact, or laurelsDon’t cut corners, know the facts, apply themWith your energy and integrity leading the way!
Don’t worry about what others think about youEveryone has their own opinion, which is like a grain of saltStay on the move with a competitive advantageWinners have favors over all others with much enthusiasm and graceDon’t quit or drop out of the race. It’s not for rats!
Stop your whining, complaining, and criticizing.No one wants to hear about what is not happening in reality.Inspire moments for success to be enhancing and uplifting to souls.Be consistent and not “Wishy-washy!”Hang clean laundry out to dry in the flowing wind and golden sunshine!
Let your brain be the creator of your reality of consciousness.Find unconditional love in your essence of life.Allow it to travel to another level of beauty and peace!
Always focus on yourself as the center of your consciousness.Let your aura experience it and be at peace with connectivity.Feel infinite happiness revolving around your persona. Merge into it and become one with the everlasting universe.
Make the core of your being the center of happiness.Be and experience your greatest consciousness.Embrace the realization that greater is in you than in the world.
Always be courageous and not nervous.Raise your hand, stand up, wipe the sweat off your brow.Be steady, stop your knees from shaking.Speak up with a clear voice of confidence others want to hear from you!
Don’t let others impose their limitations on you.Be with like-minded, supportive, fulfilling, and helpful people.Allow them to help you grow with inspiration.Celebrate your ingenious processing with a smiling face!
Be positive, and overcome the intimidations from school-yard bullies.Don’t try to fit into the mole others have created for you.Cherish your own growth, shedding of skin, changing of leaves.Arise and do it, and declare yourself a winner—not a loser!
Be clear, state your objectives, always follow-up, and follow-through.Use your entire arsenal of being to proliferate continuous action.Activate your passion with sincere acuity in the moment and time.Energize your senses for maximum performance and success!
Always take time out for rejuvenation and redirection.Inquire as you move along the path.There is no one best way. Different paths—different solutions.Refinement is a constant process of growth for better results!
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.