Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
The couples that are meant to be, are the ones who go through everything that is meant to tear them apart, and come out stronger.
MermaidDiagram Comment.
You are my best friend as well as my lover, and I do not know which side of you I enjoy the most. I treasure each side, just as I have treasured our life together.
The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that's what you've given me. That's what I'd hoped to give you forever
We fell in love, despite our differences, and once we did, something rare and beautiful was created. For me, love like that has only happened once, and that's why every minute we spent together has been seared in my memory. I'll never forget a single moment of it.
I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough..
Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it.
So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday.
Just when you think it can't get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can't get any better, it can.
You are, and always have been, my dream.
You are the answer to every prayer I've offered. You are a song, a dream, a whisper, and I don't know how I could have lived without you for as long as I have.
If you like her, if she makes you happy, and if you feel like you know her---then don't let her go.
I love you more than there are stars in the sky and fish in the sea.
True love is rare, and it's the only thing that gives life real meaning.
They didn’t agree on much. In fact, they didn’t agree on anything. They fought all the time and challenged each other ever day. But despite their differences, they had one important thing in common. They were crazy about each other.
My daddy said, that the first time you fall in love, it changes you forever and no matter how hard you try, that feeling just never goes away.
You can't live your life for other people. You've got to do what's right for you, even if it hurts some people you love.
In our time together, you claimed a special place in my heart, one I'll carry with me forever and that no one can ever replace.
Romance is thinking about your significant other, when you are supposed to be thinking about something else.
She wanted something else, something different, something more. Passion and romance, perhaps, or maybe quiet conversations in candlelit rooms, or perhaps something as simple as not being second.
Every great love starts with a great story...
I dont think that we're meant to understand it all the time. I think that sometimes we just have to have faith.
I mean, if the relationship can't survive the long term, why on earth would it be worth my time and energy for the short term?
If conversation was the lyrics, laughter was the music, making time spent together a melody that could be replayed over and over without getting stale.
Every couple needs to argue now and then. Just to prove that the relationship is strong enough to survive. Long-term relationships, the ones that matter, are all about weathering the peaks and the valleys.
Every couple has ups and downs, every couple argues, and that’s the thing—you’re a couple, and couples can’t function without trust.
There are moments when I wish I could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but I have the feeling that if I did, the joy would be gone as well.
The saddest people I've ever met in life are the ones who don't care deeply about anything at all. Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand, and without them, any happiness is only temporary, because there's nothing to make it last.
The greater the love, the greater the tragedy when it's over.
Without you in my arms, I feel an emptiness in my soul. I find myself searching the crowds for your face - I know it's an impossibility, but I cannot help myself.
And when her lips met mine, I knew that I could live to be a hundred and visit every country in the world, but nothing would ever compare to that single moment when I first kissed the girl of my dreams and knew that my love would last forever.
Life, he realize, was much like a song. In the beginning there is mystery, in the end there is confirmation, but it's in the middle where all the emotion resides to make the whole thing worthwhile.
I fell in love with her when we were together, then fell deeper in love with her in the years we were apart.
The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it...
Mom says it's because she has PMS.Do you even know what that means?"I'm not a little kid anymore. It means pissed-at- men syndrome
Never forget that God is your friend. And like all friends, He longs to hear what's been happening in your life. Good or bad, whether it's been full of sorrow or anger, or even when you're questioning why terrible things have to happen.
I'm sure you think that I don't understand what you're going through, but I do. It's just that sometimes, our future is dictated by what we are, opposed to what we want.
As a girl, she had come to believe in the ideal man -- the prince or knight of her childhood stories. In the real world, however, men like that simply didn't exist.
You really love her don't you," she said.With all my heart."She looked as sad as I'd ever seen her.What's your heart telling you to do?"I don't know."Maybe", she said gently,"You're trying to hard to hear it.
Believe me, I'm no romantic, and while I've heard all about love at first sight, I've never believed in it, and I still don't. But even so, there was something there, something recognizably real, and I couldn't look away.
You're a hero and a gentleman, you're kind and honest, but more than that, you're the first man I ever truly loved. And no matter what the future brings, you always will be, and I know that my life is better for it.
But love, I’ve come to understand, is more than three words mumbled before bedtime. Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day.
Our lives can't be measured by our final years, of this I am sure.
nothing wonderful lasted forever. Joy was as fleeting as a shooting star that crossed the evening sky, ready to blink out at any moment.
How far would you go to keep the hope of love alive?
It's the possibility that keeps me going, not the guarantee.
All of sudden, this shooting star went by, and all I could think was that they were listening to us somehow.
It's hard at times, but it makes a kid strong in ways that most people can't understand. Teaches them that even though people are left behind, new ones will inevitable take their place; that every place has something good - and bad - to offer. It makes a kid grow up fast.
Love doesn't mean anything if you're not willing to make a commitment, and you have to think not only about what you want, but about what he wants. Not just now, but in the future.
I'd learned that some things are best kept secret.
She was my dream. She made me who I am, and holding her in my arms was more natural to me than my own heartbeat. I think about her all the time. Even now, when I'm sitting here, I think about her. There could never have been another.
love, I've come to understand is more than three words mumbled before bedtime.
When I look in the mirror, I know I’m looking at someone who isn’t sure she deserves to be loved at all.
Spending time with you showed me what I’ve been missing in my life.
If you're a bird... I'm a bird...
Someday you'll find someone special again. People who've been in love once usually do. It's in their nature.
He stared at her, knowing with certainty that he was falling in love. He pulled her close and kissed her beneath a blanket of stars, wondering how on earth he'd been lucky enough to find her.
I don't want to lose you.' His voice almost a whisper. Seeing his haggard expression, she took his hand and squeezed it, then reluctantly let it go. She could feel the tears again, and she fought them back. 'But you don't want to keep me, either, do you?' To that, he had no response.
The scariest thing about distance is that you don’t know whether they’ll miss you or forget you.
In the end you should always do the right thing even if it's hard.
If pinpointing God's presence were really that simple, then he supposed the beaches would be more crowded in the mornings. They would be filled with people on their own quests, instead of people jogging or walking their dogs or fishing in the surf.
More than anything, he wanted to return to the house with the same look of peace that he'd seen on Pastor Harris's face, but he trudged through the sand, he couldn't help feeling like an amateur, someone searching for God's truths like a child searching for seashells.
Do you know what you're saying when you say, "Whatever"? It's just a code word for the f-word, followed by "you." And at your age, you never, ever. say that to anyone.' " Blaze leaned back. "So now, when someone says it to me, I just say, 'You too.' (72)
I been watchin' you, workin day and night, slavin so hard you barely have time to catch your breath. People do that for three reasons. Either they crazy, or stupid, or tryin' to forget.
When we first met, I didn't want to get involved with anyone. I didn't have the time or energy, and I wasn't sure that I was ready for it. But you were so good to me, and I got swept up in that. And little by little, I found myself falling in love with you.
She had been proud of his decision to serve his country, her heart bursting with love and admiration the first time she saw him outfitted in his dress blues.
It was their secret, a secret meant for just the two of them, and she'd never been able to imagine how it would sound coming from someone else. But, somehow, Logan made it sound just right.
I came to the conclusion that unrealized hopes, even small ones, were always wrenching.
Does trust have to be earned. Or is it simply a matter of faith?
I have always been a firm believer in God and the power of prayer, though to be honest, my faith has made for alist of questions I definitely want answered after I'm gone.
I don't pray because it doesn't work. Prayer doesn't fix anything. Bad things happen anyway.
Theresa, I know there's a part of you that believes you can change someone, but the reality is that you can't. You can change yourself, and Garrett can change himself, but you can't do it for him.
It hadn't been so long ago, yet sometimes she felt that she'd been an altogether different person back then.
It was a lesson that I would learn in time though it wasn't Hegbert who taught me.
How far should a person go in the name of true love?
Loving someone and having them love you back is the most precious thing in the world.
She wasnt exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard and she could only pray that he was feeling the same way.
We’d met at a carefree time, a moment full of promise, in its place now were the harsh lessons of the real world.
It is the possibility that keeps me going, and though you may call me a dreamer or a fool or any other thing, I believe that anything is possible.
I’m stuck babysitting turtle eggs while a volleyball player slash grease monkey slash aquarium volunteer tries to hit on me.” I’m not hitting on you,” he protested.No?”Believe me, you’d know if I was hitting on you. You wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from succumbing to my charms.
It all comes down to who is by your side and who is willing to stand up for love even when it seems impossible.
Marriage is a partnership, not a democracy.
She leaned into me, and when I closed my eyes, I knew I wanted nothing more than to hold her this way forever.
What happens if a car comes? We die.
He was a wonderful man. And when a man is that special, you know it sooner than you think possible. You recognize it instinctively, and you're certain that no matter what happens, there will never be another one like him.
Science only goes so far, then comes God.- Noah Calhoun-
Halfway down the aisle, Jamie suddenly seemed to tire, and they stopped while she caught her breath...It was, I remembered thinking, the most difficult walk anyone ever had to make. In every way, a walk to remember.
أن الحياة فيها المسرات و الأحزان ، ولم يكن الأمر يستحق الطاقة لينزعج المرء من الأحزان ، ليس لأنه لا مفر منها وحسب بل ولأنها تنقضي أيضًا
He thought of her often, and he missed the companionship they'd once shared and the friendship that had been the bedrock of their marriage at its best.
لقد علمتني أنه من الممكن الاستمرار في الحياة ، ولا يهم مقدار الحزن الذي نعانيه
من المستحيل أن تحمي أطفالك من الإحباط أو خيبة الأمل التي سيصادفونها في حياتهم
Being in love, I find myself smiling for no reason at all...
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you are there, in everything I am, in everything I've ever done, and looking back, I know that I should have told you know much you've always meant to me.
Yes... it wasn't over, it still isn't over.
Never forget that anticipation is an important part of life. Work's important, family's important, but without excitement, you have nothing. You're cheating yourself if you refuse to enjoy what's coming.
Youth offers the promise of happiness, but life offers the realities of grief.
Jamie: You know what I figured out today?Landon: What?Jamie: Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I had for myself. Like this journey never ends. Like you were sent to me because I'm sick. To help me through all this. You're my angel.
You might not understand, but I gave you the best of me, and after you left, nothing was ever the same.
I've never been afraid of them. Not once. Because I had you.
أن الحزن سوف يتضاءل في وقت ما ، حتى ولو لم يتلاشى تمامًا ، لكنه بعد فترة لن يكون شديدًا
No matter where it is in the sky... No matter where you are in the world... the moon is never bigger than your thumb. -John
He was the toast to her butter.
If you simply ignored the feeling, you would never know what might happen, and in many ways that was worse than finding out in the first place. Because if you were wrong, you could go forward in your life without ever looking back over your shoulder and wondering what might have been.
Deep in her heart, she wasn't sure she deserved to be happy, nor did she believe that she was worthy of someone who seemed...normal.
It is life, I think, to watch the water. A man can learn so many things.
I've come to believe that in everyone's life, there's one undeniable moment of change, a set of circumstances that suddenly alters everything.
Too many people seem to believe that silence was a void that needed to be filled, even if nothing important was said.
That's the thing about life. A lot of the time, it isn't easy at all. We just have to try to make the best of it.
I mean talk. Never forget that God is your friend. And like all friends, He longs to hear what's been happening in your life. Good or bad, whether it's been full of sorrow or anger, and even when you're questioning why terrible things have to happen. So I talk withhim.
I love you too, Will Blakelee," she whispered, leaning in to kiss him again.
Frugality, I've learned, has its own cost, one that sometimes lasts forever.
الحب يعني أن تهتم بسعادة شخص آخر أكثر من اهتمامك بسعادتك أنت ، بغض النظر عن مدى الألم الذي سيسببه لك قرارك
Never forget that God is your friend. And like all friends, He longs to hear what’s been happening in your life. Good or bad, whether it’s been full of sorrow or anger, and even when you’re questioning why terrible things have to happen. So I talk with him.
أن التقارب دائمًا صعب عندما تكون المسافة قد توسعت عبر السنين ، وأجيانًا يستحيل التغلب عليها
What's your heart telling you to do?I don't know.'Maybe, you're trying too hard to hear it.
I am lost without you. I am soulless, a drifter without a home, a solitary bird in a flight to nowhere. I am all these things, and I am nothing at all. This, my darling, is my life without you. I long for you to show me how to live again.
Their fingers seemed to fit together in just the right way- effortlessly clasped,like perfect complements.
I might kiss you.I might be bad at it.That's not possible.
Strange, what being forced to slow down could do to a person.
When you chase a dream, you learn about yourself. You learn your capabilities and limitations, and the value of hard work and persistence.
Maybe we've lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them we've found each other... I know I've spent each life before this one searching for you. Not someone like you but you, for your soul and mine must always come together.
See me just as I see you.
عندما تعلم أن أحدًا مقربًا منك على وشك الموت ، هناك نزعة طبيعية لأن ترغب بقضاء أظول وقت ممكن معه
and all I could think was that I would like to spend every morning for the rest of my life waking up beside her
I suppose [my life] has most resembled a blue chip stock: fairly stable, more ups than downs, and gradually trending upward over time. A good buy, a lucky buy, and I've learned that not everyone can say that about his life.
E' la possibilità, non la garanzia, quella che mi fa andare avanti. Una specie di scomessa da parte mia. E chiamatemi pure pazzo, o sognatore o quel che vi pare, io credo che tutto sia possibile.
As the warm air blew in the car, simple snapshots of the life they'd lived together surfaced in his mind; but as always, those images led inexorably to their final day together.
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.