Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
I never feared about my skills because I put in the work. Work ethic eliminates fear.
So if you put forth the work, what are you fearing? You know what you're capable of doing and what you're not.
-- Michael Jordan
MermaidDiagram Comment.
Who strive not for objects unattainable, grieve not for what lost and gone be, Who suffer not mind clouded amid mishap, have intellect with wisdom truly.[26] - 33 Mahatma Vidur
Who make not friends with sinful, lives not away from hope futilely,Who outrages not another's wife and betrays not arrogance surely;Who never commits any theft or never shows ingratitude certainly,And never indulges in drinking is a person who is always happy.[99] - 33 Mahatma Vidur
That king who forsakes lust, anger, bestows wealth to needy, Discriminates, is learned, active, is regarded as man of authority;Prosperity is attends on king who inspires confidence in others truly, Who punishes guilty in right measure, knows when to show mercy.[97] - 33 Mahatma Vidur
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.