Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
I never feared about my skills because I put in the work. Work ethic eliminates fear.
So if you put forth the work, what are you fearing? You know what you're capable of doing and what you're not.
-- Michael Jordan
MermaidDiagram Comment.
Plants are more courageous than almost all human beings: an orange tree would rather die than produce lemons, whereas instead of dying the average person would rather be someone they are not.
You know you made it, when your friends tell their friends that you are their friend.
Some people will insult your intelligence by suddenly being nice or nicer to you once you make it … or they think you have.
Education is what they equip you with; just in case your dream doesn't workout.
Some people talk about other people’s failures with so much pleasure that you would swear they are talking about their own successes.
Some of us were brought into this troubled world primarily or only to increase our fathers’ chances of not being left by our mothers, or vice versa.
Religion makes people kill each other. Science supplies them with weapons.
Pain, unless it is physical, was sold to you (by your culture).
We ought to relentlessly ignore excuses, especially those we are told by ourselves.
You know you made it, when people you know, tell people they know, that you know them.
There is a correlation between the number of days since a man last had sex, and, the number of things that he is willing to do for a woman.
When it comes to sex: some men treat women as objects; some women treat objects as men.
When coming to sex: First served, first come.
We use our belief in witchcraft, God, miracles, etc. to fill a hole in our heart, or a gap in our knowledge or understanding.
Being an ignoramus is not enough to prevent one from being famous.
We sometimes allow someone—because of their confidence and our uncertainty—to ‘correct’ us where we are right, and they are wrong.
Even the truth is just a mere thought.
Nothing complements a fast mind better than a slow tongue. And nothing aggravates a slow mind better than a fast tongue.
When a joker dies, the joke remains.
Life sometimes reminds us that it is sometimes heartless by giving something or someone we really need to someone who does not need or even want them or it.
Most sane human beings’ chances of being alive in a thousand years’ time are a hundred times higher than their chances of being sincerely happy for at least ten consecutive days.
He who makes fun of a short and fat man’s weight is much less cruel than he who makes fun of his height.
It was masturbation, not willpower, that made it possible for gazillions of women to walk down the aisle with their reputation and their hymen still intact.
Some women have been faking orgasms for so long that they sometimes fake one when they are masturbating.
Some women do not masturbate for pleasure; they masturbate to make a political statement: to remind us that women do not really need men (or at least not as much and as frequently as every single male chauvinist and every single misogynist believes).
Some of those who faked it until they made it are now faking not to have made it.
Life sometimes delays giving us the thing we are forever praying or working hard for, until it has managed to show us that that thing is not that important, or important at all.
Success stood in some people’s way of moving from being good to being great.
The fear of being poor or broke is a blessing, if you are a successful entrepreneur; but is a curse, if you want to be an entrepreneur.
We generally outlive premature success and inherited riches.
Some people deny the existence of God in order to give themselves credit for their successes. Some accept His existence in order to deny responsibility for their failures.
Nobody is stopping you from using things such as your ability to read or hear as your definition of ‘success’ or ‘wealth’.
Some people get a lot of pleasure from sharing their success with those who were adamant that they would not or would never succeed, but get very little or even no pleasure from sharing their success with those who have supported them.
When a man cheats, it is said it is because he is a dog. When a woman cheats, it is said it is because her man is a dog.
12% of people marry because they are completely in love. 88% of people marry just so they are then liable for only half of their rent.
It is a waste of time not to do the most effective, useful, or important thing you can do.
Meditation can make an hour feel slightly longer … than a sneeze.
Being tired is pleasant when you think what has tired you was worth the portion of your life.
Some wristwatches are so big that you would be adamant that they were made for the wall, if you see or saw them only after the removal of their straps.
A single person cannot know even a billionth of what is known, which is not even a trillionth of what there is to know.
Ignorance often makes a complicated thing seem simple, or vice versa.
Some things are made funny to some people by their ignorance.
There is more to knowing than just knowing.
Ignorance has its own advantages.
We need not know the how and the why to profit from knowing the that.
Knowing a little about something sometimes gets in the way of knowing a lot about it.
Some of our beliefs will seem ridiculous in a hundred years’ time. Some already seemed so a thousand years ago.
The more educated someone is, the less likely it usually is for them to say that they do not know, when they do not know.
We ought to read mainly, not to know more, but to remind ourselves that we do not know much.
Instead of days like Valentine’s Day, we ought to have days such as the day on which we would commemorate those ancestors of ours from whose deaths we have learned, for example, that something is not safe for us to eat.
You need not be rich or famous to be intelligent, wise, or knowledgeable. And vice versa.
The vast majority of those who are respected for being knowledgeable have not produced even a single significant opinion or question of their own.
Unlike happiness, unhappiness cannot happen without the presence of an ego.
Many a man and many a possession of his possess each other.
We are separate from nature or life only in our minds.
Human beings are makers, usually of a mountain out of a molehill.
How the seen looks depends on how the seer sees.
Consumerism is based on the illusion that you can fill spiritual or emotional emptiness with physical products.
They who have gone beyond the duality of pain and pleasure have nothing to escape or chase.
Hoping is a waste of The Present.
Poetry is the art of hiding the inadequacy of language.
Many a person and many a possession of theirs possess each other.
Praying makes you feel like you are talking to God. Meditating makes you feel like you are God.
Meditating is good for us. Praying is good for our ego.
Happiness is an inevitable result of embracing, and unhappiness that of rejecting, what is.
It is conducive to serenity to see the vast majority of people as the children they are spiritually and intellectually.
Life is not only the dance and the dancer but also the song.
A mountain is not nearly as much a wonder as a mosquito.
Our survival is a result, not of caution or wisdom, but of pure luck.
Some of those whose existence you wish could end now do not even know about your existence.
We prefer our way into things such as regret, unhappiness, and anxiety.
The more spiritually immature you are, the more likely you are to kill an animal or a plant unnecessarily.
Watching the Dance of Life tends to make us forget that we are part of the dance.
We are sometimes forced by nature to feel like having sex, but never to have sex.
Praying for something is like trying to increase your chances of surviving a game of Russian roulette by wearing a bulletproof vest.
The purpose of life seems to be to torment human beings with the question as to what the purpose of life is.
Spiritual enlightenment includes the realization that there is no ‘there’ to go to, and no one to go.
The name of a thing gets in the way of us seeing more of it.
Sleep is often a form of escapism.
The mind cannot really rest or be still: it is either busy, or non-existent.
Giving in to sleep is a great opportunity to practice letting go of life.
Realizing that God or Nature did not give you free will will free you.
It is a sign of spiritual maturity to care about people, but not about how they are doing.
Spirituality destroys the ego. Religion strengthens it.
Broken people have an irresistible urge to try to ‘fix’ the world.
We start living in heaven as soon as we leave life … the hell alone.
Everlasting pain is often caused by the pursuit of fleeting pleasure.
Wanting makes the mind restless.
Not being in the present moment is like not paying attention to someone you are with, because you are thinking about someone else with whom you were; or will, could, or should be; or could or should have been.
The mind does not exist; it happens, and sometimes.
Mindfulness is the manifestation of the belief in the fact that what is happening is more important than what has, should have, or could have happened, and what will, should, or could happen.
The only ‘problems’ that we can truly solve through sex are that of never having had sex with anyone, and that of never having had sex with someone.
Some possessions own a person.
We have, not problems, but negative attitudes towards some situations (towards which some people have or would have positive attitudes).
To think that you are living life, even though you still haven’t realized nondual awakening, is like thinking that you are eating a mostly sweet, partially bitter—or vice versa—apple, while all you are doing is licking a photocopy of a picture of an apple seed.
Pleasure is not a need, but an incentive.
Only in the mind is the mouth separate from the anus.
A true believer in God prays only to thank, never to ask; and welcomes, with open arms, every single thing that is happening.
Escaping death is a temporary victory.
Life is happening neither to nor for but through us.
Life is a single never-ending event that is divided into innumerable mostly-ending events by the mind.
Once you are spiritually awakened, wherever you are is the best spot from which to watch the Drama of Life; and what is happening is the best and most important scene.
We are, not aware, but awareness.
The love of life as a whole is the highest degree of self-love.
What is seen can never be nearly as much a wonder as seeing.
We are alive the most when we are awake but our mind is not.
The goal of a truly spiritual practice is, not the realization of unity with everything, but the realization of the fact that you are everything.
One of the most important facts that the vast majority of us are ignorant of is that we are each other.
Happiness prefers to live inside those who do not have preferences, because it never gets evicted there.
Life never happens to anyone. Everyone is always part of life’s happening.
We do not become happy. We stop being unhappy.
Surrendering to reality requires the highest degree of humility.
To think is to dilute the sweetness of life; or, worse, to make it bitter.
The mind is a wonderful problem-solving machine without which there exists not even a single problem.
We cannot really experience something while we are thinking, not even the act of thinking.
We can know, not what a thing is, but what its name is.
You cannot really convince a man who has always been blind that he does not see.
Love, unless it is for life as a whole, is contaminated by things such as our preferences and memories.
Some people are wise only when they are in public.
Getting older is not an intellectually demanding process.
As if their not being smart were not unfortunate enough, most people think they are smart.
Some things do not make sense, not in themselves, but to some people.
A fool’s plans are entertainment for the wise.
One of our most serious challenges is that we mature sexually way before we do mentally. And what’s worse is that mental maturity is not even guaranteed.
Education almost always leaves stupidity intact.
Pretending to be wise is way more difficult than pretending not to be a fool.
All too often, a wise or free person is ridiculed, because of ignorance, by fools or slaves.
Most sane people feel happy way less often than they act happy.
Even cruel acts such as those that were committed by the Ku Klux Klan, rapists, and the Nazis fall under the umbrella of ‘the pursuit of happiness’.
Like philanthropy, charity is the deceptive art of making others happy, or less unhappy, in order to make yourself happy, or happier.
Some people are happily single. Some are unhappily married.
Happiness makes us think that life is worth living, whereas depression makes us think that life is worth leaving.
The thing whose acquisition ‘made’ you happy need not be stolen, lost, or broken for ‘it’ to make you unhappy.
Unhappiness is a mild mental illness.
Hope and the fear of death stand in the way of suicide being the leading cause of human death.
Most biographies and autobiographies are each merely a slightly different packaging of the well-known fact that success rarely comes quickly or easily.
Only the steps of a one-step long journey can be taken all at the same time.
Some people are rightly pitied by someone or people by whom they are wrongly convinced that they are envied.
The second best thing to not chasing success is chasing success that was defined by you, not for you.
Most of our desires tend to reveal their pettiness a few months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, or even seconds, after they have been fulfilled.
Premature success rarely lasts as long as delayed success.
Some people are a degree of impatience away from wishing a year were only a few weeks long.
Pursuing happiness comes with being pursued by unhappiness.
Imagine how much more crazy money would drive us if we could each drive more than one car at the same time.
It takes wisdom to gain wealth without losing health.
While recovering from failure, the bitter find comfort, not in the phrase ‘This too shall pass’, but in their hope that ‘They too shall fail’.
A mere compliment has been the seed of some people’s downfall.
Money changes some people: Many a woman goes from being ashamed of being some poor or broke man’s girlfriend to being proud of being his girlfriend or even ex-girlfriend as soon as she realizes that he has become rich.
Most people have the tendency to delay helping or supporting someone, until their help or support is no longer needed.
We cannot have, but can lose, everything.
Some women are so cruel that they do not choose to at least not play hard to get, when they are being pursued by men who they know they will intentionally infect with HIV.
Those who think they are against prostitution are in fact merely against sex being sold directly.
Many a person thinks that he or she has stolen treasure—in the form of a thing, or a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife—from someone who thinks that he or she has been relieved of trash.
Some men’s type is women who have a vagina.
Some people console themselves by telling themselves that at least their lover or spouse does not disrespect them enough to cheat on them openly.
Some people do not have a problem with them continuing to like or love you, as long as you continue to like or love them.
Sex is often, or even usually, a woman’s conscious or subconscious way of paying a man for the service he provides, or has provided, of making her feel special, happy, alive, like the most important person … or merely important.
A woman is against her man making decisions when he is angry, except when the decision is to marry her, or to buy her a gift.
Some underwears seem to have been designed to be a turn-off.
It is always the wrong time to meet the wrong person.
Oftentimes someone leaves their partner who is comparable to the sun for someone else who is comparable to a spark.
Some people are so impatient that they ask you for a favour as soon as they are done complimenting you.
During a funeral, the corpse receives way more affection, love, or attention, from some people, than was ever received, from those people, by the person the corpse used to be.
By definition, love at first sight has nothing to do with the other person’s character or mind.
Some people do not mind losing the person or thing that some people would kill to have.
Most relationships and marriages that are older than 3 years owe their not having ended to compromise, trust, forgiveness, etc., good communication, and great lies.
Being accused of cheating is infuriating, especially if you are cheating, or have cheated.
Prostitution is the art of separating the vagina from the woman, and the man from the money.
All too often, a man gets into debt mainly, or even only, to get inside a woman or women.
One of the main results of women’s empowerment is a great increase in the number of women who cheat.
One passionate kiss wets a woman’s lips two times.
Some women are not gold diggers. They dig for metals that are way more precious.
In some cases, we first need to disappoint or enrage someone, or to break their heart, for them to finally show us their true colours.
Wearing perfume or expensive or trendy clothes is often, if not almost always, a subconscious attempt to make up for an uninteresting mind.
Prostitution is the admission of the fact that in some cases all the man wants from the woman is sex; and/or all the woman wants from the man is money.
You are sometimes the person who someone who seems, to you, to feel like killing themselves, feels like killing.
The only ‘problem’ that most marriages have managed to solve is that of not being married.
It is humbling to realize that what you hate (the most) about someone is actually what they love (the most) about themselves.
Married people use a successful marriage as an advert for marriage, and a failed marriage as an advert for a good husband or wife.
Some people sometimes kiss and tell; some sometimes tell without having kissed.
For men, sex is free only in theory.
We can fall out of love at second sight.
Every now and then, two men kill each other over a woman who neither loves nor likes either of them.
To a particular person, a particular personality, mind, lifestyle, voice, gait, laugh, salary, penis, or vagina, cannot be interesting for a very long time.
Every relationship is, to each party, ultimately about them.
Some marriages end before the wife has had enough time to fall in love with the husband.
It is even more painful to have your heart broken by someone who you know does not deserve you.
Some people would fall in or out of love with you if you lose or gain a few kilos.
The current girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, or husband is often an utterly unsuccessful attempt to stop missing or loving the previous one.
Completely different impressions of someone can each be created by a selection of facts, or even a single fact, from the very same collection of facts about them.
Unprotected sex is often a subconscious attempt to commit delayed assisted suicide.
The presence of someone we are angry at often makes us suppress or fake a smile or a laugh.
Some people are very happy despite their ex’s absence; some, because of it.
It is possible for your ex, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or your husband or wife, to no longer be your type.
Usually, a breakup is caused by, or causes, the revelation of one of the parties’ true colours.
Some people seem to see a conversation as a competition to see who can talk the longest and the most often.
You can be right and still lose the fight.
In some cases, it is not the person that has changed, but their decision not to be themselves.
Many of those who were left because of an argument with their partners were right.
A relationship is very likely to initially make us pretend we are someone we are not; a friendship, to eventually make us pretend we are still someone we used to be.
We sometimes spend a trillion on a fight over a hundred.
Life minimizes the number of materialistic women mainly through well-off men and boys whose main goal is to infect as many females as they can with HIV.
Some of us would take our time, if we knew that we are rushing to our deaths.
One cannot help but wonder what used to get the huge portions of our attention that are now gotten by social media every single day.
Some people would not waste any part of today if they knew that by this time tomorrow they will be dead.
A statement can be truthful when it is said or written, but untruthful when it is heard or read.
There is not necessarily a correlation between how much time or effort a thing demands and how important or useful it is.
There is a correlation between how much we care about what others think of us and how much time, energy, and money we waste in a month.
A few minutes wasted regularly can amount to over a year within a decade.
Like a day, a night is, not a period, but the location of a portion of the earth in relation to the position of the sun.
Even most of those who really never have time to read a book usually have more than enough time to listen to one.
In some cases, ignorance is deadlier than poverty.
Once you realize that the vast majority of people see and know very little, you will rarely be affected when someone speaks ill or well of you.
Not knowing how venom kills does not take away the usefulness of knowing that it does.
Poison is not merciful towards people who have consumed it unknowingly.
Some people are not brave but ignorant of the danger they are in.
The arrogant generally deem the humble ignorant.
Being told that you have not changed is not always a compliment.
Unfortunately, most people need to know a lot of what they do not know to know how little they know.
Those who know the least want to be heard the most.
While facts do kill ignorance, ignoring facts does not kill them.
Among other possibilities, money was invented to make it possible for a foolish man to control wise men; a weak man, strong men; a child, old men; an ignorant man, knowledgeable men; and for a dwarf to control giants.
There is nothing morally wrong with buying stolen goods, unless you know that they were stolen.
You can know a lot and still be stupid.
We are more in control of how much we know than we are of how much we have.
It is unfortunate that it is possible to 'know' something that is not true.
Not knowing how to get what you want is better than knowing how to get what you do not want.
Not all statements that are truthful are useful.
All too often someone spoils my enjoyment of their company by talking to me.
Often what we see as progress in the right direction is merely the improvement of a wrong solution.
Doing is often a subconscious escape from being.
The wise treat horniness like a hiccup; the foolish, like an asthma attack.
Our mind can be in heaven while our body is in hell. And vice versa.
Things such as the idea of family and that of friendship are a sign of spiritual barbarism.
An orgasm … is by far the most pleasurable experience. To those who once experienced an orgasm and have never meditated properly or long enough, that is.
You can be angry that someone did not flush the toilet, or be glad that they have relieved themselves into it.
Society mainly uses the concept of self to make the individual less unpredictable.
It is the mind, not the self, that feels (sad, happy, angry, etc.).
We have (not free but) caged will.
We make life even more painful by having expectations and preferences.
Life is a symphony to the wise. And a cacophony to the foolish.
Reality is at least a billion trillions times less malleable than our desires.
Movement is the illusion created by the extremely fast, involuntary comparison of what is with what was.
Believing some facts depends on believing some facts.
That statues are motionless would be true only if the earth were the universe.
We all suffer from different degrees of narrow-mindedness.
Light is so fast that nothing can move faster than its own shadow.
Emptiness is the absence of some things, not the absence of everything.
An emotion is a mild mental illness.
Never argue with a fool. People may realize or remember that you are one.
Some people are so wise that they leave you with the impression that they are about a hundred thousand years old.
We know way too many words of wisdom, but perform all too few actions of wisdom.
Silence is often the wisest reply.
Sometimes a fool says something wise without the intention to do that, and the awareness of having done that.
We are all capable of laughing at what is meant or expected to make us unhappy or angry.
Wisdom gets half of its value from its being useful, and the other half from the being of at least one fool.
Technically, all tattoos are temporary, even permanent ones.
A need is something that is required to keep you alive. A want is something that you think is required to make or keep you happy.
You cannot be unhappy, or even depressed, while you are not thinking.
Our pursuit of happiness is an addiction to us and a cancer to our planet.
No one is freer than someone who couldn’t care less about how he or she feels.
Only fake happiness comes with the compulsion to flaunt it.
To the wise, peace of mind is the result of being fine with how things are; to the foolish, the result of things being fine.
Some people who have been sentenced for life for crimes they did not commit are usually blissful, whereas many people who can go to any part of planet earth are usually miserable.
The degree of our happiness is not determined by (what we regard as) the source of our happiness.
We are so addicted to and desperate for happiness that we are often happy for other people.
The main source of some poor people’s misery is, not their being poor, but some people’s not being poor.
We automatically allow what someone will say about us to make us unhappy when we allow what they have said about us to make us happy.
The challenging thing with trying to fill our emptiness with things such as food, drugs, and alcohol is that our body is a leaky container.
Some people are happy only because they have managed to deceive others into believing that they are happy.
As an attempt to escape their unhappiness, some people ran to something they used to look down on, or make fun of, when they were happy.
We are greatly enslaved by how we do not want and how we want to feel.
We often intensify our unhappiness by being ashamed of being unhappy.
The shaping of how we are feeling by how we are looking at life is always in tough competition with the shaping of how we are looking at life by how we are feeling.
Unhappiness is best and often concealed with a smile; jealousy, with a compliment.
For our happiness or unhappiness, we have only what we think about something or someone to thank or blame.
It is evil to give up on someone before them.
It is almost always better to take a chance and hope that your life will get better instead of ending it.
Worrying requires way more energy than hoping, which—unlike worrying—is energizing.
Because of nothing but training, some people can effortlessly do something we cannot do even terribly.
If morality meant something to Mother Nature or God, then She or He would never allow pregnancy to be a result of rape.
Homosexuality is natural. It is homophobia that is unnatural.
Some of the people who are showing off their speed are headed in the wrong direction.
We ought to readily share our successes with those with whom we readily share our problems.
Some people plan on being disciplined as soon as they achieve something that cannot be achieved without discipline.
Gratitude tends to attract the things for which we are grateful in advance.
It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to think well of yourself while you are envious.
The success of social media companies largely depends on our failure not to spend too much time on their platforms.
The environment that most influences our health and our chances of attaining wealth is the one between our ears.
There are millions of ways to make millions of dollars legally.
Most men each have a to-do list of women that they plan on executing if and when they get rich or famous.
Like fear, doubt greatly reduces the potency of our effort.
Every generation is undersupplied with people who publicize their failures but hide their successes, and oversupplied with those who do the opposite.
Impatience is even more unfortunate in the talented.
Being in a hurry does not slow down time.
You cannot respect someone but disrespect their time.
Whenever we buy something we do not need, we waste not only money but also time.
Stealing someone’s money is not nearly as bad as wasting their time.
We often give painkillers the credit that ought to be given to the passage of time, the belief that they would kill the pain, or the water that accompanied them.
Many millions of people have lost their lives while trying to save a few minutes.
There is a correlation between how foolish a man is and how tolerant he is of people who waste his time.
Most of us love timesavers because they give us more time to waste.
I value my time so much that undressing is the only thing I am willing to do for sex.
Every second is a step away from our mothers’ wombs towards our own tombs.
Most people master the art of wasting a life.
Life would not seem short if we valued time as much as we value money.
Telling some people not to waste time is a waste of time.
Unfortunately, human progress is generally determined not by our spiritual, our emotional, and our intellectual development but by that of our technologies.
The pursuit of happiness is one of the most common symptoms of intellectual immaturity.
Humans are the most important entity in the universe … only to most people.
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.