Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
The couples that are meant to be, are the ones who go through everything that is meant to tear them apart, and come out stronger.
MermaidDiagram Comment.
If you don’t want snakes, don’t let the grass grow long
If something is free it cannot be measured. It becomes invaluable.
Wealth is created from accepting the abundance you were born with.
When you do only what you need, you grow. Just like a baby walks. He doesn’t desire to eat, he must eat, he does not desire to walk, he must walk. He does not know desire, he only knows need as an instinct, he must, because he is, this is why he grows.
Formal education is like a billboard for the blind. It robs us of our autodidactic nature. Who taught the first teacher?
The only difference between design and art is that design sometimes needs a reason, and art never does .
Language was the best invention for the mind and the worst invention for the soul
There is much more said in silence and in space than can ever be spoken.
Everything is invaluable
The human state of free will or free thought is in fact the existence of opposites and the experience of contemplating them.
You lose the need for memory when you spend every moment fully submitted to its realization.
To think about not thinking is essentially the human condition. The fall. Active unconsciousness.
To live is to be and to see is to accept, to think is to deny, and to desire is to doubt
To create and build is the longest growing branch of our tree, for most people it never bears leaves or fruit, because it never gets enough sunlight
Words are the root of disease. unconscious thought; active or autonomous, are anesthesia for the terminal illness of self or the ego.
To attempt to manifest what you want without passion is like dressing up a corpse.
Things you say no to, and the things you say no to knowing define each moment.
Your body is a reflection of your amount of peace with the universe.
As our eyes are open we see all that we have created. Everything we see and or experience is mirror of our conscious omnificence, good or bad.
We have collectively and constantly created and are creating the world we exist in, who knows who really authored what. If every success is someone else’s failure, and failure someone else’s success, how then can we not all be part of the manifested.
Measurement is an illusion
If you spend enough “time” in the future or past you will realize neither exist or existed.
Answers come from solving problems with new problems. Must everything have an answer?
Do you need to know that you are happy to be happy?
Thoughts are a way of concealing the truth.
If we live to change the world, we lose our life, if we let the world be, our life will change the world.
What happens in the moment is more important than remembering it. Being is more important than seeing.
healthiness and happiness are dependent on each other
Transcendence begins when you realize that you are a law of nature.
Confidence is how we perceive the manifestation of truth in us.
A good book writes the author
The self or ego is like an honorary diploma. It may hold the title of master or doctorate but it is in fact weightless and is actually “doctored” perception and a “master” of disguise, nothing more.
Life is connected moments of precise stumbling; an infinite and beautiful dance you must learn to do with grace.
To be great is to be a fruit from the tree of life. If you squeeze a “great,” guess what comes out? Greatness. Most people live their lives without knowing that they are the roots of this tree, and the fruit that the branches of life help to grow.
In space we find our self, and lose our self, because we come to find that we are what defines the space in form and in thought.
Complete and uninterrupted awareness of one’s self beyond the scope of material form and removed from worldly creation is pure consciousness. To be is to simply be.
Make Every Day Your Life's Work. Make Every Moment Your Life's Work.
Expression should not be self-seeking. True art in any form illuminates presence, freedom and submission to truth.
Nothing that is perfect can be taught
When you have no one to help, your helpless.
Growth occurs at the intersection of thoughtful encouragement and action.
The simple truth that many fail to realize is that we are much more than we construct ourselves to be. It is only until life brings, usually in the form of tragedy or unique circumstance, an awakening upon our soul, that we become aware of this truth.
When you are your only competition in life, the only person you ever have to prove anything to is yourself.
We are divine energy; simplicity and complexity made to be.
Your unconscious mind is like a program that is constantly searching for problems to solve.
There is no such thing as tomorrow. It simply does not exist.
Your truth is the current force within you that creates positive energy and inspires decisiveness.
The human ability to create what your mind can imagine is our greatest gift, though many people are unaware they possess it.
The timelessness of existence should be all you need to understand the constant state of renewal and opportunity that lives in abundance in us.
It is only when we accept that development and improvement takes place in the now that we can consciously look upon our manifestations non-linearly and understand them as evergreen fulfillment.
True rest is isolated balance and peace of existence through acceptance, submission and awareness of the present moment.
If anyone has ever experienced an idle mind they should have no fear of death for they are one in the same.
Every day is your entire life.
You’ll always be inspired if you act like your a seeing everything for the first time. If you do this long enough. It will be.
Being an actor is one of the hardest and easiest jobs a person can do. It is hard because you are always living as someone else. It is easy because your always living as someone else.
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.