Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
Body positivity is as simple as making the choice to love yourself despite your shortcomings.
To embrace your whole self and not let others dictate how you feel about your body.
MermaidDiagram Comment.
When truth looks in the mirror, virtue looks out.When courage looks in the mirror, faith looks out.When charity looks in the mirror, love looks out.When contentment looks in the mirror, peace looks out.
Learn as much as you can. Love as much as you should.
Turn off the hate. Turn up the love.
I miss your voice because it is a symphony; your scent because it is a treasure; your smile because it is a jewel; your hug because it is a masterpiece; and your kiss because it is a miracle.
Love is the only brick that hits you on the head and gives you a smile instead of tears.
Love is my mother. Joy is my sister. Knowledge is brother. Wisdom is my soulmate.
Lovers never hate, haters never love.
Faith is stronger than a stone. Joy is taller than a mountain. Love is wider than an ocean.
Love is spiritual oxygen; without it, the soul dies.
Jealousy says, “Compete with each other.” Envy says, “Destroy each other.” Empathy says, “Help each other.” Love says, “Empower each other.
Love is the strongest angel. Hate is the ugliest demon.
Love on its worst day conquers hate on its best day.
A star does not compete with other stars around it; it just shines.
If you know who you are, no one can convince you to be who you are not.
Your worth is not what you have, but who you are.
Children move stones with their feet. Men move rocks with their hands. Women move mountains with their hearts.
A flower earns its honor in the dirt.
Love in the rain is better than hate in the sunshine.
When a woman wants your attention, she uses her smile. When she wants your wallet, she uses her charm. When she wants your heart, she uses her touch. When she wants your soul, she uses her kiss.
Grief gives you a hundred reasons to cry; hope gives you a thousand reasons to smile, joy gives you a million reasons to laugh, and love gives you billion reasons to rejoice.
Joy is God's smile; love is God's laughter.
The world accommodates you for fitting in, but only rewards you for standing out.
Don’t be afraid of criticism; the tallest trees are always confronted by the strongest winds.
Don’t try to silence other people’s genius because you’re too deaf to hear your own.
A rose, no matter how beautiful, still has to contend with thorns.
Ignore those who resent you. Avoid those who begrudge you. Excuse those who envy you. Pity those who hate you.
To avoid enemies, say nothing; to avoid critics, do nothing; to avoid haters, be nothing; but to avoid mediocrity, ignore all.
Respect your haters; they are always the first to show you that you are better than them.
Only what is below you tries to pull you down.
Learn from seeds; they don’t die when you throw dirt at them; they grow.
If people haven't walked a mile in your shoes, don't listen to them if they mock the sores on your feet.
You are no richer than what you carry in your mind, no stronger than what you hold in your heart, and no purer than what you harbor in your soul.
If you kick a lion when it is down, God help you when it gets up.
Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.
Cowards shrink from challenges, weaklings flee from them, but warriors wink at them.
Enemies stab you in the back, true friends jab you in the front.
When all seems to be against you, remember, a ship sometimes has to sail against the current, not with it.
The early bird gets the worm, and the early fox gets the bird.
When people try to bury you, remind yourself you are a seed.
Be noble like the sun; let even those who resent you for shinning benefit from your warmth.
The road to success is paved with doubters and haters.
It is in vain to try and stop a star from rising, even with a ladder.
Don’t let mediocre people talk you out of your dreams; lions have little in common with sheep.
The most irrelevant thing in your life is the opinion of your haters.
We do not rise by making other people fall.
If you are good, people will criticize you. If you are bad, people will criticize you. If you are both good and bad, people will still criticize you. Therefore, don’t waste your life trying to please anyone.
When reaching for the stars, beware of those who want to cut off your hands.
When the world told the caterpillar its life was over, the butterfly objected, “My life has just begun.
Thunder roars but does not strike. Lightning strikes but does not roar. Choose to be lightning.
A flower does not use words to announce its arrival to the world; it just blooms.
A rose does not answer its enemies with words, but with beauty.
If a lion turned every time small dogs barked at it, it would be the laughing stock of the jungle.
The louder the dogs bark the less a lion feels threatened.
Busy hands achieve more than idle tongues.
If roses were not special weeds would not envy them.
It is easier to pluck a flower than to nurture it; which is why some would prefer to destroy your talents than nurture them.
Stars do not pull each other down to be more visible; they shine brighter.
What you do doesn't frighten your enemies as much as what you are.
As a child, you were a cub; as a youth, you were a fox; as an adult, you were a lion; but as an elder, you became an owl.
The world is already full of critics; to stand out, be an encourager.
False friends can be bought, but true friendship is priceless.
Be like the sun; never let the opinions of those who hate you dull your shine.
The larger the bricks your enemies throw at you the larger the palace you are going to build.
You were given fingers to count your own blessings, not someone else's.
If you are waiting for the perfect spouse, you are waiting for the perfect disappointment.
An angel who makes you cry is better than a devil who makes you smile.
If you press grapes, wine will pour out; if you crush roses, perfume will pour out; if you afflict the talented, genius will pour out.
If you tend to a flower, it will bloom, no matter how many weeds surround it.
Be like seeds; do not see dirt thrown at you as your enemy, but as ground to grow.
Jealousy stings, envy poisons, anger harms, and hate murders.
Dance to the beat of your own drum; whether the world likes your rhythmic movements or not.
As only dead leaves allow the wind to blow them to and fro, never allow yourself to be swayed by popular opinion.
When people try to pull you down, remember, they had to look up to do so.
When life hands you dirt plant seeds.
God gave birth to the universe.The universe gave birth to the cosmos.The cosmos gave birth to the world.The world gave birth to nature.Nature gave birth to life.Life gave birth to mankind.Mankind gave birth to humanity.
When blowing out someone’s candle you risk blowing out your own.
If you base your worth on other people's opinion of you, you will be worth little or nothing by the time you encounter your first critic.
The prettiest flowers earn their honor in the ugliest dirt.
If stars needed the sky's permission to shine, the universe would be a very dark place.
Light has nowhere to hide in the dark.
A seed neither fears light nor darkness, but uses both to grow.
You fall because you are human, and rise because you are divine.
Darkness will always be a servant of light.
The 7 Secrets of Overcoming Your Haters1. Identify your haters.2. Study your haters.3. Understand your haters.4. Confront your haters.5. Admonish your haters.6. Avoid your haters.7. Ignore your haters.
Your highest thoughts sometimes arise in your lowest moments.
Fall for none, rise for all.
Critics are loud, but success is louder.
The soul is the entryway to the heart,the heart is the doorway to the mind,the mind is the hallway to the world,and the world is the passageway to the universe.
If you listen to critics for too long, you will become deaf to success.
A fish that is afraid of drowning in a river is ignorant of its gifts.
An acorn is an oak tree turned inside out.
Become braver, stronger, wiser, kinder, and you will become better.
The most important person you meet in life is your higher self.
Learn from stars; even in the dark they give off light, not despair.
When surrounded by darkness your only duty is to shine.
If you want to know a person’s true character, observe how he treats those who don’t matter.
Light in your mind is better than darkness in your soul.
The sun is God's candle.
When seeds want to rise they drop everything that is weighing them down.
It takes greater faith to dance in the dark than to rest in light.
When the world throws rocks at you, turn them into diamonds.
Light is warmer than darkness.
The smallest light has greater power than the largest darkness.
The greater the darkness the brighter your light.
Love is the soul's treasure.
Light cannot lose in a race against darkness, even if denied a head start.
A diamond earns its sparkle from the pressure it endures.
A star is not honored for its size, but for its light.
It is better to walk in light than to dance in darkness.
To hate is human,to love is divine.To destroy is human,to build is divine.To fall is human,to rise is divine.To break is human,to heal is divine.To take is human,to give is divine.To feel is human,to experience is divine.
A genuine smile is one of the world’s rarest treasures.
The narrow path to wisdom is better than the wide road to ignorance.
Greed is the world's greatest illness, love is the world's greatest physician, the soul is the world's greatest patient, and benevolence is the world's greatest remedy.
Compassion forgives, anger remembers, grief regrets, love forgets.
Love is a better weapon than anger.
Love cannot enter the soul without elevating it.
It takes greater strength to love than to hate.
Compassion forgives, grief regrets, anger remembers, love forgets.
Love is the universe’s lamp.
Religion says pray, faith says believe, spirituality says hope, God says love.
Wisdom thinks, faith believes, joy feels, love experiences.
Virtue is a priest, kindness is a bishop, faith is a pope, and love is a religion.
Never make a promise you can't keep. Never take someone you love for granted. Never underestimate the power of trust.
Only four words are better than 'I I love you':"I love you too.
Only four words are better than 'I love you':"I love you too.
Love who you are, not who you are not.
The universe has limits, but true love does not.
Love is the only drug that takes you higher each time you take it.
Truth has eyes to see the world. Love has ears to hear the universe.
The one that loves you is worth more than the thousands that merely admire you.
Love people, not money. Love people, not pleasure. Love people, not power.
If you lack money you are broke, but if you lack love you are poor.
The highest powers of hate are no match for the lowest powers of love.
Love earns its best colors in the soul.
One day of being in the presence of someone you love is better than a thousand years of being in the presence of someone you admire.
Love is better than vengeance.
You are a god trapped in human skin, love alone can release you.
There is only one frequency higher than love: God.
Your world is my universe, your universe is my world.
Live because you love. Love because you live.
Don't love me for what I have, love me for who I am.
The distance between two minds is understanding, between two hearts is trust, and between two souls is love.
Believe in love, not religion.
Love people for who they are, not for who they are not.
Happiness is true wealth, love is true riches.
The power of love is eternally greater than the love of power.
The power of love is infinitely greater than the love of power.
Compassion is a seed, empathy is the root, kindness is the stem, charity is the tree, and love is the fruit.
When love rises hate falls.
Love has no feet, but finds its way around the world; and no wings, but finds its way around the universe.
Love is humanity's best friend, ignorance is mankind's worst enemy.
Love is your true soulmate, fear is your great soul enemy.
Dress your heart with courage, your mind with wisdom, and your soul with love.
Love has no feet, but finds its way around the world.
Love is the world's superman.
Love God, love yourself, love others, then love the world.
You have the power to heal the world if you have love.
You don't need to look for a miracle when you have love, for love is the miracle.
Love is the heart’s gold.
You don't have to speak for love, it has its own voice.
Love yourself, you are your most valuable asset.
Where love is high fear is low.
Love is like children: pure.
The higher you is love, and because of it, you rise. The lower you is ignorance, and because of it, you fall.
Love is the center of the universe, truth is its circumference.
Love heals both heart and soul.
Love in your mind is peace.Love in your heart is joy.Love in your soul is God.Love in your life is power.
Religion is the entrance to your mind, faith is the doorway to your heart, and love is the hallway to your soul.
Love thinks.Love speaks.Love feels.Love lives.Love hopes.Love helps.Love holds.Love heals.
If you believe in love, you believe in miracles.
Love is a reliable angel.
God is just another word for love, and love is just another word for God.
Love is like the sun: the closer you are to it, the warmer you feel.
Your highest potential lies in your highest love.
Peace begets stillness. Joy begets happiness. Faith begets persistence. Patience begets endurance. Loyalty begets faithfulness. Virtue begets righteousness. Love begets blessedness.
Kindness is the best seed to plant if you want love to grow.
I would rather die for love than live without it.
It is easier to rise when you have love than to fall when you have fear.
I declare love on anyone who wants to war with me.
It is easier to rise when you have love in your heart than to fall when you have fear in your soul.
Declare love on anyone who wants to make war with you.
Love lights your world, ignorance darkens your universe.
Love is stronger than lust.
Love is the antidote to fear, joy is the antidote to sorrow, and hope is the antidote to despair.
The longest letter you write in your life is between your heart and your soul.
There is nothing higher than love, and nothing lower than ignorance.
The soul is the most beautiful vessel in the universe, you can fill it with love.
Love is a greater warrior than hate.
Love is more desirable than silver or gold.
Love from an enemy is better than hate from a friend.
Love is the highest religion.
Love people for who they are, not what they have.
It is impossible for love to be conquered by anyone or anything other than itself.
The higher you raise your love the lower you drop your fear.
What you love defines you better than what you hate.
When you love, you rise. When you hate, you fall. Choose to rise.
Hate cannot keep you from falling, love cannot keep you from rising.
Love much. Trust little.
Truth sees you as you are. Love sees you as you should be.
Never tell a woman how much you love her unless you are willing to show it.
Happiness is more precious than silver, love is more valuable than gold.
Love enhances your higher self, fear amplifies your lower being.
Love everyone, not everything.
Happiness is more precious than silver, love is more rewarding than gold.
Love is the highest note in the symphony of life.
Love is your church, love is your religion, love is your higher power.
A cold angel is better than a warm devil.
Men fall in love with a woman's body, but it is her soul that they will live with.
Men love a woman's body, but it is her soul that they will live with.
Beauty for the eyes, joy for the heart, love for the soul.
Send love, receive love, express love, be love.
Cold love is better than warm hate.
Truth is the world's gold, love is the universe's treasure.
Money speaks the language of capitalism, not love.
Learn because you are human, love because you are divine.
The day your heart stops loving is the day your soul starts dying.
Children have God's heart in their hands, the virtuous have God's soul in their bosom.
Love is greater than silver or gold.
Love defies the laws of gravity.
An ounce of love is worth more than a tonne of gold.
Happiness is silver, but true love is gold.
Love, no matter how old, is eternally young.
Love, even when old, is eternally young.
Lose ignorance, find truth. Resist hate, embrace love.
If you love truth, you will love justice.If you love justice, you will love peace.If you love peace, you will love unity.If you love unity, you will love harmony.If you love harmony, you will love the world.
Less love, less light. More love, more light. Great love, great light.
Love is the world's friend, ignorance is the universe's enemy.
The oldest word for God is love, the oldest word for love is God.
What you hate has as much power over you as what you love.
Love cannot birth hate.
If you love longer you will live longer.
Don't wear your heart on a sleeve unless it is covered by a thick coat.
Love may blind you, but lust will cripple you.
If you sow kindness, you will reap love.
Don’t waste days, for they become weeks. Don’t waste weeks, for they become months.Don’t waste months, for they become years; and don’t waste years, for they become a lifetime.
When you have mastered life you have conquered death.
One who is ungrateful for little deserves nothing. One who is grateful for little deserves much. One who is grateful for much deserves all.
What you do in private is of greater importance than what you do in public.
When you master life you can conquer death.
In life, it is not the destination that counts, but the journey.
The heart is a classroom. The soul is a teacher. The mind is a student. Life is the exam.
What you seek finds you.
What is behind you is never as important as what is ahead of you.
Be honest with yourself. Be candid to others. Lie to none. Be sincere to all.
You don't have to be old to be wise, but you have to be wise to get old.
When you find God you find love.When you find love you find joy.When you find joy you find peace.When you find peace you find hope.When you find hope you find life.
The richest people in life are the ones with the happiest memories.
Death is the evil twin of life.
What is high excersises authority over what is low.
The world doesn't determine your destiny, your character does.
Earning trust is more difficult than earning money.
You don't need a university degree to treat people with dignity.
What is high exersises authority over what is low.
It is better to stand in the rain than to run to your enemy for shelter.
It is easier to find what you are unconsciously looking for than what you are consciously looking for.
The future is always stretching out its hands to us, but it is up to us to embrace it.
It is easier to fight an army than to fight your conscience.
The more value you add to others, the more valuable you are.
Never let your strengths blind you to your weaknesses.
It is always better to err because you love everyone than to succeed because you hate anyone.
Bitterness is venom that consumes its host.
One mans hell is another mans paradise.
Wisdom from enemies is better than ignorance from friends.
A prince before his enemies is still greater than a slave before his friends.
Pleasure has no enemies, pain has no friends.
People see what they are, not what is in front of them.
Let pain work for you, not against you.
Happy children have everything, though poor. Sad children have nothing, though rich.
Accept who you are, work towards becoming who you must be.
Go where you are celebrated, not denigrated.
Create your own happiness, no one else can create it for you.
A smile costs you nothing but gains you everything.
The dead cannot preach to the living, and the living cannot preach to the dead.
Become what your enemies dread you'll become.
Good things come to those who wait, but great things come to those who endure.
Pick yourself up, don't let the world keep you down.
Don't wait for anyone to bring you what you want, go out and get it.
It is not the number of degrees that matters, it is the size of your thoughts.
Live by truth, not by popular opinion.
Many things are beyond your control, but your happiness is in your hands.
Maximize your friends. Never minimize your enemies.
You choose your thoughts, control your emotions, and determine your actions. Thus you decide your fate.
If you can control your thoughts, you can control your destiny.
False riches accumulate more easily than true wealth.
If you need money to be rich, you will always be poor.
10 Noble Laws to Live By1. Be yourself.2. Love all.3. Trust few.4. Give more.5. Take less.6. Learn more.7. Make peace.8. Empower yourself.9. Serve others.10. Live honorably.
When God throws you into the deep part of the ocean, it is because all of the piranhas are at the shallow end.
Hatred destroys you before it destroys the ones you hate.
Truth is stronger than opinion. Fact is stronger than assumption. Reality is stronger than perspective. Fate is stronger than chance.
Maximize your virtues. Minimize your vices.
Never fixate on what is going wrong, always focus on what is going right.
Good advice from the intelligent is better than bad advice from the wise.
Always see people smarter than you as gifts, not competition.
Truth is the heart's treasure.
The greatest lesson I have learned in life is that life is worth dying for.
Don't run from problems, run to solutions.
The world's biggest lottery prize is not money, its life.
Negative thoughts are an obstacle to happiness, positive thoughts are a bridge to joy.
Never take life for granted, you only get one.
Don't hold onto the past, free your hands to reach for the future.
The most important hero you meet in life is your higher self.
Don't waste time living in the past, the future has built a home for you.
Don't waste time living in the past when the future has built a home for you.
Destiny is never late.
It is not the number of degrees you have that matters, it is the quality of your thoughts.
Pain always teaches you more than pleasure.
Seeking knowledge is better than seeking pleasure.
I would rather gain true wisdom than gain false riches. I would rather gain true happiness than false pleasures. I would rather gain true peace than false joy.
It is death that makes life precious.
I would rather suffer with the righteous than thrive with the wicked.
Knowing yourself is even more important than knowing your enemies.
Live for your needs, not your wants. Die to your wants, not your needs.
Watch your enemies. Watch your friends. Watch your acquaintances. Watch everyone.
You can trust hate from friends, but never trust love from enemies.
A righteous enemy is better than a devilish friend.
It is better to live in a hut with a friend than a palace with an adversary.
It is better to find yourself than to find a thousand pots of gold.
Enjoy life, never take it for granted.
You don`t have to be literate to be educated, nor do you have to be learned to be wise.
Where you are coming from doesn't matter as much as where you are going.
If your god is money, you will always be poor; but if your god is love, you will always be rich.
Life is the school of the wise.
Free yourself from these limiting things:negative thoughts, desires, habits, and people.Embrace these liberating things:positive thoughts, desires, habits, and people.
If you god is money, you will always be poor; but if your god is love, you will always be rich.
You have no power if you are ignorant, you have a little power if you are simple, you have much power if you are knowledgeable, you have great power if you are intelligent, and all power if you are wise.
Take care of yourself, you are your most valuable asset.
Fight your fears, not your friends.
You seek what you are, you are what you seek.
Don’t resent the world for what it is, rather work towards making it into what it should be.
What you know will take you miles. What you do will take you around the world.
You don’t need to seek what you are.
If you underestimate who you are, you will end up overestimating who you are not.
What you are is what you seek. What you seek is what you are.
You don’t need anyone’s approval to be yourself, you only need your own.
He is no fool who gives up what he wants to get what he needs.
Money can't buy you class, you have to earn it.
Who you are doesn't surprise me, who you are not does.
You can drop out of school but you cannot drop out of life.
Don't worry about those who rejected you, they were preparing you for those who would accept you.
What comes to break you was sent to make you.
Never envy anyone's gifts, or you will become a prisoner of their success.
What happens to you is fate. How you respond is destiny.
Learn from another's pain before you have to learn from your own.
Don't waste time trying to be somebody else, be yourself.
When you bring out the best in others you bring out the best in yourself.
Never allow someone else's reality to become your own.
Never envy someone's gifts or you will become a prisoner of their talents.
Your mind is a paintbrush,your imagination is a canvass,and your thoughts are your masterpiece.Your heart is a paintbrush,your desires are a canvass,and your actions are your masterpiece.Your soul is a paintbrush,your world is a canvass,and your life is your masterpiece.
Life doesn't put a limit on how much you can learn, you do.
Ignore what a man is willing to fight for, watch closely what he's willing to die for.
Character begins where reputation ends.
What you see in others you must first be able to recognize inside of yourself.
The greatest bridge you can cross in life is the one that leads to your destiny.
Your friends tell me who you are, your enemies tell me who you are not.
The best lesson life teaches you is that life is a lesson.
Life doesn't put a limit on how much you learn, you do.
You are what you seek. You seek what you are. You become what you seek and seek what you become.
Money talks, but power screams.
There is no storm like fear, no tempest like guilt, no cyclone like confusion, and no hurricane like ignorance.
Your speech tells me what you are, but your deeds tell me who you are.
Your speech tells me what you are, your deeds tell me who you are.
You can even change the world on an empty stomach, but you cannot change your life on an empty mind.
What you reap is always greater than what you sow.
Never run from problems, always run to solutions.
You can go far in life if you travel on your mind's feet.
What you lose unjustly points to what you will gain rightfully.
To know more learn more.To learn more read more.To read more study more.To win more risk more.To risk more do more.To do more dream more.To dream more live more.To live more give more.To give more achieve more.
Let go of the past. Embrace the present. Reach for the future.
God doesn't choose people because of who they are, He chooses people because of who He is.
Live your life, you only get one.
Those who rejected you were preparing you for those who would accept you.
Your worth is not what you wear, but what you do.
Don't tell me who you are, show me.
Light is a student at God's assembly.Time is a scholar at God's academy.Truth is a pupil at God's seminary.Life is a graduate at God's university.
You are a result of your thoughts, not your circumstances.
Life exists to make us stronger than death.
The keys to death unlock the doors to life.
The past is inside your mind. The present is inside your heart. The future is inside your soul.
Learn to love everyone as much as you love yourself.
Learn to tackle problems before they tackle you.
Raise your love, drop your fear.
Bitterness in your heart contaminates love in your soul.
One who is full of fear is full of weakness.One who is full of hope is full of strength.One who is full of faith is full of might.One who is full of love is full of power.
The heart lusts, but the soul loves.
The purpose of life is to love, the purpose of love is to live.
I lost myself in religion, but found myself in love.
Mental + Emotional + Spiritual desire of someone = Love
The distance between God and humanity is love.
Greed weakens you. Apathy lessens you. Charity strengthens you. Love elevates you.
Live if you want to be happy now, love if you want to be happy forever.
Love oils the wheels of your divinity.
Love oils the wheels of our divinity.
There is no higher power greater than love.
If you want to be rich, work hard. If you want to be happy, love hard.
It is love, not religion, that gets you to Heaven.
Love is a universal Heaven, ignorance is an individual Hell.
You are no greater than the wisdom you acquire, the faith you harbor, and the love you experience.
There is no higher power than love.
It is love, not religion, that gets you into Heaven.
It is better to fall in love than to rise in hate.
The world sees color, children only see love.
To destroy, hate. To build, love.
Love is gold that never loses its value.
Your presence is always a gift if it is wrapped in love.
None who have loved can claim to have experienced no miracles.
Love is currency, none who possess it can ever be truly poor.
We hate each other because we are ignorant, but love each other because we are wise.
Lust is mortal, but love is divine.
Love people for what they have in their hearts, not in their hands.
God is a divine mirror, love is His highest reflection.
The universe is naked if it doesn't wrap itself in love.
Love leaves a beauty mark on your soul.
The world is our university, the universe is our professor, wisdom is our homework, and love is our final exam.
Religion is found in temples, faith is found in priests, virtue is found in saints, and love is found in God.
Love is an ocean of kindness.
We must run to hope, sprint to faith, and dash to peace before we can soar to love.
Virtue was the first preacher, love was the first sermon; together they formed the first religion.
The future belongs to those who hope, the past to those who reminisce, the present to those who act, but eternity belongs to those who love.
There is no higher intelligence than wisdom, no greater happiness than joy, no stronger courage than faith, and no kindness larger than love.
Love is the purest power in the universe.
God is a surgeon, the soul is a patient, and love is the remedy.
Love knits people together, the love of money tears them apart.
Love is the purest force in the universe.
Digging for diamonds is smarter than waiting for them to surface.
Your mind may age, but your heart must remain young.
Life begins in your mind, Heaven begins in your heart, and eternity begins in your soul.
You are defined by what you overcame, not by what tried to overcome you.
It is better to build a home in the future than to build a palace in the past.
Time is an ugly duckling, eternity is a beautiful swan.
Time is eternity's eldest daughter.
Truth is a slave to reality.
Hate ignorance, not the ignorant.
Strength becomes a weakness when you are complacent, weakness becomes a strength when you are wise.
Dreams are kinder than reality.
Some of the happiest people flourish in the saddest places.
A certificate from life holds more weight than a doctorate from university.
Pain allows you to appreciate pleasure.
In beautiful gardens you still find ugly weeds.
If you cannot live with yourself, you will find it impossible to live with others.
It takes greater strength to face your opponents than to flee from them.
You were not born to be like everyone else, you were born to be like yourself.
You are defined by your future more than by your past or present.
The ordinary run from problems, the simple walk towards solutions, the intelligent run to them, the wise sprint to them, and the enlightened soar to them.
Your greatest strengths are revealed in your weakest moments.
It is wiser to learn from another's pain than your own.
You are no fool for giving up what you want to get what you need.
You can run from time, but you can't hide from eternity.
If you love truth, you are virtuous. If you practice truth, you are wise.
The ordinary run from problems, the simple walk to solutions, the intelligent run to them, the wise sprint to them, and the enlightened soar to them.
The distance between your mind and reality is perception.
Your presence only truly matters to those who cannot bear your absence.
An ugly vessel can still carry beautiful things.
One who is happy has everything, though poor. One who is sad has nothing, though rich.
The greatest gift you can give to anyone is the one you would like to keep for yourself.
A Beautiful Mind + A Beautiful Heart = A Beautiful Life
Reality has no pity, truth has no compassion, life has no sympathy.
You can pollute a strength, but you cannot corrupt a weakness.
Your soul is your paintbrush, your world is your canvass, your life is your masterpiece.
The most important person you can be kind to is yourself.
Use your energy to love your friends rather than hate your enemies.
Don't choose friends because of what they have, choose friends because of what they know.
It is better to be an old soul than to be a young fool.
The love of money is the root of all evil; the love of people is the root of all good.
If you throw crumbs to hungry birds, they will kill each other fighting for them.
A poor man's blessing is a thousand times more potent than a rich man's gift.
Riches are easier to amass than virtues.
Life is learning, learning is life.
When you empower others you empower yourself. When you empower yourself you empower others.
Life is the test, living is the challenge, eternity is the reward.
It is better to mourn for acquaintances than to laugh at friends.
You get out of time what you put into it.
Time has the world in its hands, eternity has the universe at its feet.
The wise realize their faults quicker than foolish recognize their weaknesses.
When you throw crumbs at hungry birds, they will kill each other fighting for them.
The more you try to hide the truth the more you expose it.
Surviving the past is evidence you can bear the present and conquer the future.
Life is a master, sages are its students.
Your race does not determine how far you go in life, your determination does.
It is easier to fight the world than to wrestle with your conscience.
People judge you by your color, but God judges you by your deeds.
Silence is a cautious friend.
One who loves you for being yourself is better than ten thousand who love you for being someone else.
Do what you love. Do what you are. Do what you do.
Your lower needs are of greater importance than your higher wants.
People judge you by your color, God judges you by your deeds.
If you take care of truth, truth will take care of you.
It is better to serve your enemies than to neglect your friends.
It is easier to defy those you love than to listen to those you hate.
It is easier to fight the world than to wrestle your conscience.
When you hold onto the past your hands are too busy to receive the future.
It is better to die for your virtues than to live for your vices.
Death offers you thorns, eternity offers you roses, and life offers you both.
Weep for the oppressed, mourn for the discouraged, cry for the poor, grieve for the heartbroken, but do neither for evil or foolish people.
Death has no conscience. Life has no pity. Existence has no morals. Eternity has no conclusion.
If you smile at the Devil, you might lose your teeth.
You are rich because of what is in your heart, not your pocket book.
True freedom is: Doing what you want, when you want, and how you want without having to explain.
If you have a date with destiny, leave your wallet at home, she will foot the bill.
Where there are no clouds there is no rain.
If you don't fight for your rights, you won't be able to help others fight for their own.
Stop mistreating yourself by letting people mistreat you.
The loudest voice in a room is sometimes the quietest.
It is easier to tame a thousand bulls than to tame yourself.
An ambitious worm is better than a complacent butterfly.
You honor the dead by honoring the living.
Life is honored for its blessings despite its burdens.
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.