Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
Body positivity is as simple as making the choice to love yourself despite your shortcomings.
To embrace your whole self and not let others dictate how you feel about your body.
MermaidDiagram Comment.
Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.
Children are happy because they don't have a file in their minds called "All the Things That Could Go Wrong.
Success means we go to sleep at night knowing that our talents and ablities were used in a way that served others.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?
When a woman rises up in glory, her energy is magnetic and her sense of possibility contagious.
To be a princess is to play at life. To be a queen is to be a serious player...The purpose of life as a woman is to ascend to the throne and rule with heart.
When a woman conceives her true self, a miracle occurs and life around her begins again.
The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one two things: either love, or a call for love.
The Queen is coming to reclaim her girls.
As long as we remain vigilant at building our internal abundance—an abundance of integrity, an abundance of forgiveness, an abundance of service, an abundance of love—then external lack is bound to be temporary.
Our kingdom is our life, and our life is our kingdom. We are all meant to rule from a glorious place. When God is on the throne, then so are we. When God is in exile, our lands are at war and our kingdoms are in chaos.
We are not held back by the love we didn't receive in the past, but by the love we're not extending in the present.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?
The highest prize we can receive for creative work is the joy of being creative. Creative effort spent for any other reason than the joy of being in that light filled space, love, god, whatever we want to call it, is lacking in integrity. . .
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
In the absence of love, we began slowly but surely to fall apart.
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.