Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
Energy flows where attention goes.
To get what you really want in life, you need a clear goal that has purpose and meaning behind it.
Once this is in place, you can focus your energy on the goal and become obsessive about it.
When you learn how to focus your energy, amazing things happen.
MermaidDiagram Comment.
A woman of value does not compete for love, because she knows that love is not a game.
God will never force you to love Him. Yet, He will always love you. Because He is a God of mercy.
You mustn’t be cruel, if you want others to be kind to you.
People may forsake you and the world may turn against you. But God will always love you.
When your eyes are open to God’s presence in your life, you will always feel His love.
Life is a Gift that only God has the power to give or take.
The Grace of God is abundant. It is always available for those who need it every day.
Be still, for God remains the same. Even when you are not strong, He still reigns supreme. He will give you strength.
Even with so much technological changes, there are still questions which cannot be answered online. A clear indication that God is bigger and better than any network portal.
God can do what no man can imagine or do.
God is bigger than you think, and He can do better than you have ever thought.
God is never restricted by what people expect of Him. He can do better than that.
It is possible to do the impossible when you trust in the God of all possibilities.
Only God can heal a wounded soul. He can repair what is deemed irreparable.
There is no brightness without the light, and there is no life without God’s presence.
There is no goal too gigantic for God not to see you accomplish.
When God blesses you, the Words you speak will be blessed. The land where you walk will be blessed. Everything you do will be abundantly blessed.
Walk-in God’s favour and you will be forever lifted up.
When God favours you, nothing will make you fail. Even when there is failure written all over, you will gracefully succeed.
When the Most High God favours you, great things will happen to you. You will find yourself on top, even if people had thought you were a flop.
Anything is doable when you believe in a God who is able to do what seems impossible according to the human mind.
God never disappears on us. Even if we do at times, He is forever present in our lives.
Good is not enough when God has the best in store for you.
Let it all go and go to God. He will never let you go.
What you are passing through is not where God is taking you. He will see you through. So, hold on until your breakthrough.
You will flourish when you nourish the Gift of God in you.
A door opened for you by God’s hand, is too big for any man to slam in your face.
Look at the mountains. Look at the oceans! No one else can change the oceans into mountains and no one can change mountains into oceans, because the work of God’s hands is the greatest.
God is great because He created and predestined you for greatness.
The greatness of God alone is greater than the greatness of many great men combined.
When God opens a door for you, no one can close that door because He is a great God.
Dear Superwoman,Embrace who you are. Understand what you need. You deserve a better life. A life filled with peace, hope and joy.
Dear Superwoman, if you are not a priority, you are just an option. Options are only selected for the selector’s convenience only. Nothing more!
Some people will provoke you, just to revoke the blessings of God that lie ahead. Do not let them deprive you of your blessings. Forge ahead and forget those who keep pulling you backward.
Creation belongs to no one but God. Life is that way, nobody owns it except for God.
God is the ultimate Master of all Arts, for He made Creation without any reference to a previous formation.
There is no one less important before God because everyone is created in His image.
Time will always prove wrong those who think there is no God.
When you find God, you will realize how favoured you are, and you will live a fulfilled life.
Men may not favour you, but when God favours you, you will flourish.
Life is so good when you have a great God by your side.
Dear Superwoman,Let no one demean your intelligence.Let no one dribble you from your happiness.Let no one derail you from success. Be a smart, courageous and determined woman.
Everything changes, even time! But nothing, inclusive of time can change who God is.
When good women work together, they achieve more in a short space of time.
Time passes by and so does life, but God remains God. He is great all the time.
The only time you should look back, is when you heed lessons from the past.
When you have a good knowledge about God, you will acknowledge Him in your life.
What you must know is that there are those who know what you know. What you do not know is those who do not know what you know; and those who know what you do not know. But, you must know that God knows what you know and what you do not know.
We all need God in our lives. Whether we admit it publicly or privately, it does not matter.
By the Grace of God we are highly favoured. His Grace is bigger than what our minds can ever comprehend.
Glory belongs to God, and praises should be given to Him.
God is so good, and His goodness is for our own good.
He who fights against the will of God, fights God Himself.
God is great because no one else could create a planet where we live. All living beings dwell in the same Earth which God created. Whether they believe in Him or not.
God is great! Nothing and no one can take that greatness away from Him.
You need to thank God because you could be fighting battles, but fighting for your life is not one of them.
God can do more than enough in your life. Trust in Him.
One day you will give away your last breath. You may not know when, how and where that will be. The only one who knows is neither me nor you, but God the giver of life.
A woman of virtue does not behave like a statue. She carries objective views about life.
A powerful woman may not live a life of opulence, but she is able to make a difference.
Dear Superwoman, being alive is an outright miracle. Trust God for many miracles to come.
When God calls you into His Kingdom, your way of life will reflect royalty; when you serve Him with loyalty.
Creation belongs to no one but God. Life is that way; nobody owns it except for God.
Life is so good, when you have a great God by your side.
Life without God is like an aircraft without a Captain. Anytime it is bound to crash.
Every person has a right to live. No one should infringe on that right, by cutting a life short. Only God should make that call, as the only giver of life.
When the cracks begin to show in your life, there is only one permanent seal, which is God.
When life becomes tough, you must know that God is increasing your turf.
When you trust God as a provider, you will never cease to see wonders in your life.
You will never be the same, after God has changed your life.
Start with God and stick with Him, if you want peace in your life.
Self-reliance limits us to what we can do. But reliance on God, enables us to attain more; through what He can do.
God can do more than enough in your life. Trust Him.
God is merciful all the time. No matter what life throws along your way!
God will always be there when you need Him most. Trust in Him.
Even when you hate God that much, He will still be merciful to you because God’s mercy is not regulated by the emotions of men.
God will not only perform miracles, but He will also deliver people from bondage because no miracle is bigger than total deliverance.
God only gives us what we need because, if He had to give us what we want, we would become unwanted in His eyes.
God will meet you at the point of your need and what you want. So do not complain when you do not always get what you want.
When every dream gets shattered, find a shelter in the presence of God. His presence changes impossibilities into possibilities.
The power of God is sufficient to empower anyone for a prosperous future.
Power, privilege and prosperity comes from God. That is why we have to thank Him for His presence in our lives.
Where there is God, there is joy. Where there is joy, there is liberty and where there is liberty, there is prosperity.
While our human minds are limited to the physical, God knows what is above and beyond what eyes can see.
It is not our worship that makes God so great. It is because He is so great that we worship Him.
The will of God is like a steering wheel. It will steer you in the right direction if you hold on to it the right way.
God will restore what was stolen from you. Because His storeroom of blessings is not limited by what has ever happened to you.
When every dream gets shattered, find a shelter in the presence of God. For His presence changes impossibilities into possibilities.
When God ordains you for greatness, you will become great; only if you are willing to be great.
When God is about to open the right doors for you, He will first shut the wrong ones.
When God is part of everything you do, you will prosper in anything that you do.
When you have nothing left, God has something in store for you, because He is in control of everything.
When you are far from God, He is closer to you. All He desires is to have a good relationship with you.
No matter how far you go, God is always with you. He is wherever you go.
One thing that remains the same is God. Time changes, people change too, but God does not change.
The number of years you wept do not matter. The number of tears you shed do not matter, either. God can still turn your situation around. He is a great God all the time.
God is too great. That is why no human being can ever create another Heaven and Earth.
God’s favour makes you seek not only after righteousness. It also allows people to experience the greatness within you.
The favour of God is upon every man who makes effort to access it.
When God favours you, people will realize the treasure in you.
When God favours you, what is meant to break you, will push you towards a breakthrough.
When you are favoured by the most High God, great things will happen to you. You will find yourself on top, even if people had thought you were a flop.
You may not be favoured by men, but when God favours you, you will flourish.
God is so gracious, because powerful as He is, He still gave us a free will; to choose what we want and how we want it.
It does not matter how much gold we own. We can never afford God’s Grace.
God is the ultimate Master of all Arts. For He made Creation without any reference to any previous formation.
When God blesses you, the Words you speak, will be blessed. The land you walk in, will be blessed. Everything you do, will be abundantly blessed.
You may not see bravery written on her face, but through her life, you can notice bravery. She conquers big battles. A warrior in her own unique way. She is none either than a woman of virtue.
A woman of substance refuses to be fed lies. She shuns anything that hinders her from living a truthful life.
A woman of value does not go around looking for things and people to validate her existence. She understands what she is worth.
A woman of value does not rely on others to recognize her value. She knows her own value and she always adds value.
A woman’s value can never be undervalued by someone who does not understand her value.
The life of a valuable woman can never be in vain.
Even after going through the worst, a woman of strength always comes out the best.
The strength of a woman is like the wings of Mother Eagle. Through her wings, she flies high against the gusty winds.
When she knows the truth, a woman of strength does not allow the lies to destroy her.
A woman of substance adds meaning to her existence.
A woman of substance does not allow circumstances to turn her into a circus.
A woman of substance finds joy in empowering other women.
A woman of substance is never afraid to stand in the gap and make a difference.
A woman of substance can never be anyone’s substitute. She takes pride in her life. She travels her own unique journey, the best way she can.
A woman of virtue does not desert her throne, even when stones are thrown. She sits tight on her throne, because she is a Queen.
A woman of understanding knows what her limits are and does not allow anyone to go beyond those limits.
A wise woman knows her own place and uses her faith to go places.
An extraordinary woman spends extra time turning ordinary things into extraordinary things.
An inspirational woman has good influence and makes a great difference in the world.
An inspirational woman is a true inspiration to the world.
An inspirational woman knows how to inspire hope, even where there seems to be none at all.
An inspirational woman may not have much, but whatever she does, inspires others.
A woman of virtue inspires her fellow sisters. She does not turn fellow sisters into victims.
God can change your story, so that throughout history; His Glory may be revealed.
God knew that not all lessons are taught in the classroom. Hence, He allows life to teach us some extraordinary lessons.
The life of human beings on Earth matters to God. It does not matter how we view others or how others view us!
People may doubt her, but she does not doubt herself. She puts her trust in the Lord. She knows that she can do more, because she is a daughter of the Most High God.
A woman of faith does not fold her arms. She is like a soldier in the army, always ready to face the enemy.
In the presence of a prayerful woman, the enemy has no chance to advance with evil schemes.
A woman of vision comprehends that current circumstances do not reflect what her future holds. In her eyes, she sees continuance. In her mind, she thinks influence and in her heart, she longs for affluence.
A woman of vision knows where she has been, and she understands where she needs to be.
A woman who thinks big, does not let small things distract her. She focuses on her mission, because she is a woman of vision.
A woman of virtue does not allow narrow-minded people to define her, because she knows that she carries seeds of greatness.
A woman of vision enables great things to happen, by pursuing the right things.
A woman of faith is not rude in her nature. She just cannot allow to be pushed around by the enemy.
A woman of faith may fall many times, but she rises again and again; as if she had ever fallen at all.
A woman of faith may have made mistakes in the past, but she rises beyond that.
Never underestimate a woman who has no Plan B, but God as her source of well-being; because by faith she always pulls through.
A prayerful woman can handle what others cannot handle, because she does not walk alone. She is sheltered by the Almighty God.
A prayerful woman is always ready to face the enemy. She does not live in fear. She knows that by faith, God will come through for her.
A woman who knows how to be on her knees, can overcome any battle with ease.
A woman who prays is like a tennis ball. She can be thrown against the wall, but she always bounces back.
A woman, who prays is a thorn to the enemy, because she fights her battles on her knees and she conquers all the time.
The power of a praying woman does not depend on what she can do with her own hands, but in the mighty Hand of God.
A woman of vision does not allow what she sees, to stop her from envisioning what is yet to be seen.
A woman of faith is never intimidated by what is happening around her. She knows that beyond her belief, lies many breakthroughs.
A woman of vision knows where she has been, and has a better understanding of where she is going.
A woman of vision supports the right vision and does not go around causing division, because she has a clear view of her mission on Earth.
A valuable woman can do many things, except for anything that does not add value to humanity.
A woman of value will never tolerate that which does not add value in her life.
Wherever she goes, a woman of value always adds value.
A woman of faith is a thorn in the camp of the enemy, because without fail she always wins.
A powerful woman is able to stand, even after a fall. It does not matter how long it takes, she always finds a way to get back on her feet.
A powerful woman will always find the means to make things happen, because to her, what needs to happen must happen.
A remarkable woman always makes her mark. Because for her, life must be lived remarkably.
Dear Superwoman, even if they count you out. Count yourself blessed for being alive. There are countless things you can still achieve.
Dear Superwoman, let no one demean your intelligence. Let no one dribble you from your happiness. Let no one derail you from success. Be a smart, courageous and determined woman.
Dear Superwoman, do not let down the warrior in you, by giving up. A Superwoman does not give up. She can only let go what does not serve her right.
Dear Superwoman, failure is part of the journey. But do not let it define you. Allow God’s Favour to dominate your life.
Dear Superwoman, it may take a while, but if it is worth your while, you better wait for it.
Dear Superwoman, working hard is not a waste of time. As long as you are doing what is right, one day you will get a great reward.
Dear Superwoman, you are not a failure, you just happened to fall. You can still rise like never before.
Dear Superwoman, you can still dream big and achieve those dreams. It is never too late for you to do great things.
Dear Superwoman, you have the right to dream. You also have the right to achieve your big dreams. Believe!
God is a merciful Father. He is always there for us.
God’s presence is with you, no matter what is going on around you.
What can man do without God? Where can man find life, if not from God? How can mankind survive, if not for God? Who is the source of wisdom, if not God?
When God raises your standard of living, the world will know because His ways are unlimited.
The smartest person on Earth is yet to be seen because every day, God provides more wisdom to different generations.
Dear Superwoman,Be happy. You do not have to negotiate your happiness in this world. You deserve to be happy.
Dear Superwoman,Be happy.You do not have to negotiate your happiness in this world.You deserve to be happy.
Dear Superwoman, embrace who you are. Understand what you need. You deserve a better life. A life filled with peace, hope and joy.
Dear self, you have your own flaws. That is why you should learn to trust in God, more than you trust your own thoughts. Your own thoughts can derail you from your purpose. Your own thoughts can limit you from reaching your maximum potential. Self, trust God and you will never go wrong.
A woman of faith is undestroyable, because her strength is undisputable.
Dear Superwoman,Do not lose hope.One day, you will be in a better place than ever before.Have faith!
A woman of faith finds favour from the Lord. She does not go around looking for favours.
God has given us the Spirit of boldness, so that even in the wilderness, we can be dauntless.
When God opens doors for you, no one can close those, because He is a great God.
I can clearly recall the times when I left God. But, I cannot recount a single time, where God has ever left me.
When God makes a way, there is no way you can remain the same.
Some people will provoke you, just so they can revoke the blessings of God ahead. Do not let them deprive you of your blessings. Forge ahead and forget those who keep pulling you backwards.
Had it not been for the unmerited favour of God in our lives, we would have turned out as failures in life.
When God is about to open the right doors for you, He will shut the wrong ones first.
When some things do not work out, it is because God has something figured out.
You are never too insignificant to make a difference.
A woman who knows where she stands, will remain standing; even when everything around her is crumbling.
A woman of substance tells the blunt truth, because she knows she must shine bright. Hence, she does not thrive on lies.
A woman of substance understands her significance in this world.
A woman of understanding understands what it means to understand others.
A woman of wisdom does not only think about today, she always thinks ahead.
When good women stand together, they carry a power that no evil can stand.
When a woman cries, she is not weak, but she is telling the world to stop and comprehend her needs.
An inspirational woman may have gone through the worst. But her mouth speaks words of life.
A woman of peace does not convince others to do wicked things. She strives to bring peace in society.
A woman of peace shuns evil and supports justice.
A woman of peace is a wise woman in her own right, because she understands that peace is more powerful than trying to prove a point.
When success comes knocking at the door, He is God. When blessings overflow, He is still God. No matter how much He blesses us, He remains God. He deserves our praise, even after we made it in life.
God is still a healer and a giver of life. He does not change with time.
Time will always prove wrong, those who think there is no God.
Time spent in the presence of God is fulfilling.
An expert is an ordinary person who consistently sought knowledge in a specific field and applied it.
God has been great and He has done great things in our lives.
When you follow God, He will never let you go.
Without God, anything else is vanity.
In every corner of the Earth there is a sign of Heaven. Every mountain, every valley and every ocean has God written all over it. Hence, it is hard to deny that God is alive and still feel alive on the inside.
The favour of God is upon every man who makes an effort to access it.
When God favours you, what is meant to break you, will propel you towards a breakthrough.
When you face seasons that are not in your favour, it does not mean that Gods favour is not upon you; nor does it mean He can no longer do great things. It is only a season. You will pull through and overcome.
God is so gracious because powerful as He is, He still gave us a free will; to choose what we want and how we want it.
Grace is being favoured by God, while you thought you were a disgrace, and you do not deserve any Grace.
Silver and gold belong to God, but He has given us the privilege to own it; because He is a God of Grace.
The Grace of God is sufficient. Anywhere, anyday; it remains available all the time.
Through His Grace, God will give you the strength to overcome any tribulation. Learn to lean on Him.
Glory belongs to God. No matter how powerful one can be, as long as there is one Creator, He is the one who deserves the glory.
God can change your story so that throughout history, His Glory may be revealed.
Keep on seeking God every moment. Keep on praising Him every day. Glory to the Lord, Jehovah King of Kings.
There is no one so marvellous, glorious and gracious like God.
A life without God is a tragic voyage on Earth because, in life, there is a certain void that only God can fill.
An assurance that your life is worth living comes from God. He is the one who gave you that life. So, as long as you have it; it is His confirmation that He knows you still need it.
Every life matters to God. It does not matter how we view others or how others view us!
Every person has the right to live. No one should infringe on that right, by cutting life short. Only God should make that call as the only Giver of life.
God is the only Giver of life and He should be the only taker of such. Hence, those who take away any human life never find rest.
One day you will give away your last breath. You may not know when, how and where that will happen. The only one who knows is neither you nor me, but God the Giver of life.
When God anoints you, people will see it. When He appoints you, others will know it, and when He uplifts you, the world will hear it because He can do what has never been heard.
God will restore what was stolen from you because His storeroom of blessings is not limited by what has ever happened to you.
When God honours you, your name will be a blessing to many. Your deeds will help multitudes, and your prayers will move mountains.
God has favoured His workmanship and made it to look wonderful.
God holds the copyright as the sole author of life.
God is so great. Creation sings unto Him, and the nations marvel the works of His hands.
God is the Master of all Creation. The Heavens, the Earth and everything in it bow before Him.
God is wonderful. He has done many wonders through His work of art.
He is a God of wonders. No wonder there is no one like Him, even though He made everyone in His own image.
It is a privilege to have been made in God’s image and to be a resemblance of Him.
God is great! In times of pain, He gives power. In times of sickness, He provides healing, and after a loss, He can restore what was lost.
God is too great. Even technology cannot replace His greatness.
God never goes on vacation. He never changes His decisions nor location. He is still the same God who is great, regardless of human opinion.
God remains great. Even where people refuse to recognize, know or seek after Him; He never stops loving, caring and protecting humanity.
He has been God yesterday. He is still God, today and He will remain God tomorrow. He is the All-knowing and All-powerful King.
To every living being, breath is essential. To the living God death must happen, because it is through death that God will meet His children in Heaven.
When the cracks begin to show in your life, there is only one permanent seal which is God.
God has a message for you. You can only hear it, when you take time to listen to what He has to say.
God has a solution, even to that problem which you think cannot be solved.
God has been faithful since the beginning of time. Even today, nothing can make Him change who He is. He remains the same and what He said, will remain the same.
God has given us the Spirit of boldness, so that even in the wilderness we can remain dauntless.
God is always there for us, whether we want Him there or not. He takes full responsibility to supply oxygen for our survival.
God is not interested in our excuses, but our ability to unleash our purpose on Earth; regardless of the struggles, we find along the way.
God is surely in control, be still and trust Him. He will have your situation sorted out.
God is the only one who can raise a man from the dead because everything honours Him, even death.
God is the only one who knows how to use people for their own benefit. He is a righteous King.
God is watching over you, and He will never fail you.
He is a God of all nations throughout seasons. There is no reason enough to refute His existence.
Never give up, because there is always something that God can do for you. Call unto Him. He is always ready to answer your call.
No matter how far you go, God is always with you. He is present wherever you go.
Self-reliance limits us to what we can do. But reliance on God enables us to attain more; through what He can do.
Start with God and stick with Him if you want peace in your life.
The God who never fails is able to do more than what humans can ever imagine.
There is nothing insignificant before God. Every single situation counts. Hence, you should learn to count on Him.
When God is part of everything you do, you will prosper in anything you do.
When God ordains you for greatness, you will become great; if you are willing to be great
When you are far from God, He is closer to you. All He desires is a good relationship with you.
▪ When God favours you, people will realize the treasure in you.
When God favours you, no amount of failure can bring you down.
Even with so much technological changes, there are still many questions which cannot be answered online. A clear indication that God is bigger and better than any network portal.
The smartest person on Earth is yet to be seen, because every day God provides more wisdom to different generations.
Wisdom cometh from God, but the enemy will drive you away from Him; because God’s wisdom has the power to transform your life.
Wisdom is from God. Anything outside that is intellect.
A woman of peace is full of wisdom. She understands that peace makes the world a better place.
A wise woman does not keep her wisdom to herself. She shares wisdom with the world, because she knows that through wisdom, many lives can be transformed.
The best place to find joy is in God.
The oceans, the skies and time bow down, at the sound of His voice. God is so great, He deserves all praise.
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.