Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
The couples that are meant to be, are the ones who go through everything that is meant to tear them apart, and come out stronger.
MermaidDiagram Comment.
So it’s true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.
An acquaintance merely enjoys your company, a fair-weather companion flatters when all is well, a true friend has your best interests at heart and the pluck to tell you what you need to hear.
Love, like everything else in life, should be a discovery, an adventure, and like most adventures, you don’t know you’re having one until you’re right in the middle of it.
Poor God, how often He is blamed for all the suffering in theworld. It’s like praising Satan for allowing all the good that happens.
It was not curiosity that killed the goose who laid the golden egg, but an insatiable greed that devoured common sense.
... it’s a blessed thing to love and feel loved in return.
Sometimes, the simple things are more fun and meaningful than all the banquets in the world ...
Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow.
There are times when wisdom cannot be found in the chambers of parliament or the halls of academia but at the unpretentious setting of the kitchen table.
Errors do not cease to be errors simply because they’re ratified into law.
It’s not unpatriotic to denounce an injustice committed on our behalf, perhaps it’s the most patriotic thing we can do.
Love is supposed to be based on trust, and trust on love, it's something rare and beautiful when people can confide in each other without fearing what the other person will think.
When in doubt, throw doubt out and have a little faith....
To be, or not to be: what a question!
You cannot hinder someone’s free will, that’s the first law of the Universe, no matter what the decision.
Well, if it can be thought, it can be done, a problem can be overcome,
Let's always try to paint the truth ... our art must be made to mean something.
Make your lives a masterpiece, you only get one canvas.
I mean really, how could an artistic individual stay grounded in the nitty-gritty of how many minutes per pound meat has to stay in the oven when trying to fathom the creative philosophy behind the greatest artistic minds of the world?
We are the sum total of the decisions we have made.
If Christ is God, He cannot sin, and if suffering was a sin in and by itself, He could not have suffered and died for us. However, since He took the most horrific death to redeem us, He showed us in fact that suffering and pain have great power.
God Is, Lucifer is a devil, and there is a Hell.
If a man cannot serve two masters, neither can Christianity, or several thousand of them as the case may be.
The devil has not vanished simply because people refuse to believe he exists, no more than God has...
It is unfortunate that in most cases when the sins of the father fall on the son it is because unlike God, people refuse to forgive and forget and heap past wrongs upon innocent generations.
Could mankind declare it was truly wise? Did man know everything on earth, or would he ever? Certainly not!
If you are what you eat, you are what you see and hear.
... what you think is right isn't the same as knowing what is right.
If you boil it down, just because someone else does the wrong thing we are not exempt from doing what’s right.
... you’ll have to fall in love at least once in your life, or Paris has failed to rub off on you.
Speed is not always a constituent to great work, the process of creation should be given time and thought.
No one messes around with a nerd’s computer and escapes unscathed.
Finally, Charlie gave up the hunt and placed (the puppy) back on the floor, dispatching fleas was not his idea of a romantic evening, unless you happened to be a twisted exterminator, he thought.
Love, like Fortune, favours the bold.
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.