Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
I never feared about my skills because I put in the work. Work ethic eliminates fear.
So if you put forth the work, what are you fearing? You know what you're capable of doing and what you're not.
-- Michael Jordan
MermaidDiagram Comment.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned after a lifetime of facing fears, it’s that there’s no reward without some risk.
We model how much we love our kids by the boundaries we set for them.
We must be compassionate but not enable people to blame or shame us out of God’s blessings.
If you allow sharks to dictate your decisions, they will try to exert their will on you more and more.
God has called us to love people, to be an example, and to be kind, but we have to take courage and be wise because there are sharks out there.
We don’t need to be fearful of sharks, but we do need to have an awareness of them.
Satan wants to use sharks to move you from your purpose. Don’t let him!
People may betray you, but you don’t need to take it personally.
If you let sharks call the shots, control, and manipulate you, it will lead you down a road of burnout, hopelessness, and even depression.
You were never created to please people; you were created to please God.
We may not be able to make people’s decisions, but we can choose to forgive and be made whole in Him.
You are not someone’s answer. You are an example of what the answer can do in someone’s life, and you are compelled to share how you did it by God’s Word and His grace, but only their yielding in obedience to God is their answer.
You can never do for someone what they are not willing to do for themselves.
Why do we try to look for sharks? Why do we try to please the sharks that hurt us, hold us back, and keep us from our destinies?
Be bold! Be courageous! God’s grace is backing you!
Fear and intimidation is the most common and easy shark attack to fall prey to.
Trust God and follow His will for your life! His love is unconditional.
If you have to perform for people’s approval, trust me, it’s not worth having.
Emotional hurts are like cancers of the soul. If we don’t get them out, they can poison the whole soul and body.
As parents, we have been entrusted with such a precious prize: the lives of eternal souls.
Unless you have a plan- a list of your priorities to do- you’re planning to fail.
The greatest loss is the loss of one’s calling because we were listening to the wrong voices.
That sense of inferiority is just another word for fear. And fear is simply the self-deception that you are about to be separated from the thing you most value.
Conquering can give you courage.
When a shark has influence in your life, it makes you want to stay in the boat.
Intimidation keeps your eye on you and conveys that image to others.
We must have heart and overcome if we are to thrive in life and not merely survive.
If we are living for the approval of others, we aren’t living for the approval of God.
You only need one approval, and that’s God’s!
Whether you fail or succeed doesn’t alter the identify or purpose God has placed in you.
Giving up on God’s assignment on your life because of naysayers, manipulators, fear, or setbacks is the biggest mistake we can make.
You have to learn how to deal with difficult situations and difficult people! They are never going away!
You live in shark-infested waters. You can either be afraid and intimidated or you can learn to deal with them.
If you get out of the boat, you’re going to have to learn how to swim. You’re going to have to learn to adapt, think new thoughts, and learn new skill sets. You’re going to have to change, and that’s what God wants!
God wants us to get out of the boat, get into the water, and learn as we go.
I want to encourage you, don’t settle- build the dream God has given you!
You risk failure no matter what you do, so why not do what you love?
You can always find a reason to hesitate, to quit, or to delay jumping headfirst into your dreams, but you’ll never step into the call on your life until you do.
If we live in a place of hurt, how can we be effective in our own lives or in impacting others?
Hurt feelings destroy so many relationships. Not only that, but they can take us off course from our destinies if we let them.
We’re all looking for others to make us feel special, valued, and even exceptional; and when others fail to do what we need, we get our feelings hurt.
The culture is out of control, and we can’t afford to fail into their divisive worldly attitudes, which lead to rebellious ways.
Jesus is not a way to truth; He is THE way.
You and I are called to speak truth, even when the culture tries to pressure us into silence.
We must be careful to say the truth with the least offense, but it has to be the truth nonetheless.
We must make sure our ways mirror the Word of God if we are going to live free and inherit the blessings of God for our lives. This is not the hour to compromise to keep from getting our feelings hurt.
Our goal should be to represent Jesus in every situation. When I was dealing with sharks, I didn’t have the answers, but God did.
If you keep your eyes on Jesus and prioritize your walk with Him, you’ll build your life on the right foundation.
The decisions you make every day are either building up or tearing down your life. What you meditate on, what you think about, and how you use your time set the course for your future.
The feeling of obligation can cause you to make bad decisions for your time, family, and destiny.
It’s not always destruction that keeps us from our destiny; it’s distraction.
Sharks will try to steal your time and intention, but you have to protect your focus. Keep your eyes on Jesus! He will carry you through persecution to victory!
We have to fight the battle for our destinies, not the battle for approval.
We can’t sacrifice the will of God for the approval of people.
People will criticize the very thing God has called you to do, saying it seems impossible to them, or too hard for them- but that’s why God called you to do it, not them.
Sometimes people will misjudge your heart or what God has called you to do, but it’s not between you and them, it’s between you and God. When we stay focused on the call of God for our lives, He is able to create a legacy for us beyond anything we could have hoped or imagined!
The difference between world changers and stagnant drifters comes down to the ability to focus on opportunities, and then seize them.
God can show you where to capture the fish, but you have to cast the net.
Intimidation isn’t pretty. It compels you to compare yourself to everything and everyone else.
I must be at the command of the Lord, not the dictates of people, pressures, or my own issues.
Sharks don’t eat fish because of anything the fish do. They don’t eat fish because those fish aren’t good enough fish, or because those fish aren’t nice enough to the sharks. Sharks eat fish because they are sharks.
If you are looking for a pathway to your dreams that won’t require you to have courage, you’ll be looking for the rest of your life.
Your dreams are on the other side of your fears!
There are no short-cuts to your destiny, just one single choice: Am I going to jump in the water?
It’s time to let go of everything that’s held you back, intimidated, or discouraged you in the past. It’s time to be fearless!
If you’re waiting for the perfect opportunity, the perfect training, or the perfect tools before you step out in obedience to God, you’ll be waiting forever.
The one thing every successful person has in common is that they started where they WERE with what they HAD. That’s all they could do, and that’s all you can do too.
Nothing equips you for success like noble failure.
We wanted to help people, but because we gave so much of an allowance to negative people in our lives, we lost sight of the big picture. We wasted our time on people who couldn’t be pleased, and we felt like we had failed.
If you always take responsibility for the people who wrong you or don’t like you, you will be bound by a spirit of people pleasing and, ultimately, miss your destiny!
Great leaders don’t allow failure to redefine their purpose- they use failure to refine their purpose.
You may be outnumbered by your problems and facing hopeless circumstances, but God has a divine plan to bring you into restoration - and you don’t have to suffer any casualties.
If you and your family are not where you think you should be, you need to be open for God’s Spirit to point out the things that may be hindering your ability to advance.
The law of releasing life or death in your life is the power of your tongue, and it is operating all the time.
You have to keep your eyes on the Word of God and keep a guard against strife, otherwise when the storms come, you’re going to turn your eyes to the wrong thing.
This is how the enemy divides us as husband and wife. He gets you looking at your needs, your issues, and your problems.
As long as we blame others for our issues and don’t take personal responsibility, we remove ourselves from God’s provision and His correction, forgiveness, and restoration.
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.