Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
Energy flows where attention goes.
To get what you really want in life, you need a clear goal that has purpose and meaning behind it.
Once this is in place, you can focus your energy on the goal and become obsessive about it.
When you learn how to focus your energy, amazing things happen.
MermaidDiagram Comment.
When you slander someone [talk negatively about people], you earn a debit in your account and that person will earn a credit. Who would do these kinds of business?
Agnan (ignorance of the Self) creates vibration, and the Gnan (Knowledge of the Self) stops the vibration.
Without the attainment of Soul (Self-realization), there is no place that is worth having a fanatic attachment to a viewpoint. It is not worth holding on, or being stuck at a single place.
Sansar (worldly life) has been alive by imitating the movements of the world, and is liberated by opposing it.
The Self has been impacted by the non-Self complex. Vibrations have been formed from vibrations. ‘We’ give the Knowledge on how to stop the vibrations.
This Gnan (Knowledge) of ‘ours’ is this world’s summary of what deeds begets happiness and what deeds brings unhappiness.
Illusory knowledge is knowledge based on the belief that, 'I am Chandubhai' and real Knowledge is Knowledge based on the right belief of, 'I am pure Soul'. Therefore, it is worth understanding real Knowledge only.
Akram (non-sequential) path’ and ‘kramic (step by step) path’ are two different paths. They are the same with reference to Knowledge (Gnan), but the Kramic path is the path of doing and the Akram path is the path of releasing the reins (of doing).
Despite knowing and seeing through the senses, if one remains free from attachment-abhorrence, it is called knowledge beyond the senses (atindriya-gnan). But if one has attachment-abhorrence, then one is seeing and knowing through the knowledge of the senses (indriya-gnan).
With the 'Knowledge' [Gnan] ‘we’ give, peace will prevail. But it won’t do without understanding this Vignan, the spiritual science. Will a scientific experiment work if just one ingredient is missing? No it will not. In the same way, this science of ours will have to be understood completely.
The ‘Knowledge’ that doesn’t allow doubts to arise is the ‘doubt-free knowledge’ (nirvikalp) and it is same as the doubt-free Soul; and it is same as the absolute Self (parmatma)!
The ‘Knowledge’ that does not let you mix [be one] with the non-Self [Anatma], that ‘Knowledge’ is itself the Soul [Atma, the Pure Self].
Additional (excessive) knowledge’ [vishesh gnan] will lead to interference, and ‘basic knowledge’ [samanya gnan] will lead to a state of non-attachment (vitaraagta).
There are four pillars of liberation (moksha): Knowledge (Gnan), Vision (Darshan), Conduct as the Self (Charitra) and penance (tapa). In this, the Lord has not referred to external penance as penance for liberation. 'He' has referred to inner penance only as the penance for liberation.
How can one who does not Know the eternal element (tattva), speak about it? The world only knows that which is not eternal (attatva).
Without the Knowledge of One's real form as the Self and Its realization, anything that is being done will cause that living being to wander about aimlessly in worldly life.
The Soul (our true Self) has to be experienced, the Soul known through scriptures will not do. Work will not be completed through scriptural knowledge, work will be completed through experiential knowledge.
Scriptural knowledge is knowledge that has form (murta gnan). Formless knowledge (amurta gnan) is found in formless language. All that is perceived through the senses is knowledge that has form (murta gnan).
Veda is in the form of Gnan [spiritual knowledge] and God is in the form of Vignan [spiritual science].
The Knowledge that does not manifest into conduct; that is not Knowledge at all, it is ignorance (aGnan). Gnan [true Knowledge] is always bound to manifest into conduct.
Agnan will not let one know 'Who he is,' and Gnan lets one know his own Self.
In the state of Gnan (Knowledge of the Self), the Atma (Self) is the non-doer (akarta), in the state of ignorance of the Self, Atma (Self) is the doer (karta).
I brought the knowledge of vyavasthit (scientific circumstantial evidences) right from birth! It is my discovery of infinite past lives!!
One is not the doer at all. Vyavasthit (scientific circumstantial evidences) is the doer. I have revealed this knowledge and that is why we refer to it as the 'lift' (elevator) path!
It is known as Gnan (Knowledge of the Self) when equanimity (samata) prevails in adverse conditions.
With the support of the knowledge of Vyavasthit (result of Scientific Circumstantial Evidence) and the awakened awareness (jagruti) of One's own Real form (Swaroop), One can observe saiyam (a state free of anger-pride-deceit-greed, attachment and abhorrence) completely.
The Knowledge in which no doubt (shanka) is placed is known as doubtfree Knowledge (nihshank Gnan). Nishank Gnan is Knowledge of the absolute pure Soul.
To know gneya-gnan (the knowledge regarding the object to be known) is referred to as scriptural knowledge and to Know Gnata-Gnan (the Knowledge regarding the Knower) is referred to as experiential Knowledge (anubhav Gnan).
When you understand that the one whom you have presumed to be the Knower (Gnata) is actually an object to be known (gneya), only then will You become the Knower!
It is not worth searching for the root of anything. If you try to search for the root, you will take a beating. Just Know and See whatever is happening!
I am doing' is referred to as parparinati. To believe any results of the non-Self (parparinam) to be one's own, is parparinati. After attaining this Akram Gnan [Knowledge of Self-realization] parparinati does not arise at all.
The Knowledge that manifests in conduct; that is true Knowledge. The rest are considered as knowledge without substance (shushka gnan). This Akram Vignan is such that it will manifest in conduct!
Agnan (ignorance) is gnan (knowledge) also. Agnan is nothing else- it is not darkness. But it is a light to illuminate the non-Self. It is the light to show the non-Self. And Gnan illuminates the Self and the non-Self.
Whatever knowledge a person acquires, that is how one ends up functioning. If right knowledge is acquired, then that is how one functions.
Suppose you want to go to Juhu (suburb in Mumbai) from here, and you come across two paths, which of the two paths is correct? The directions you get from someone, you would get there on the basis of that knowledge. This action (kriya) is indeed being driven by knowledge.
When children see their parents killing insects, then they also kill [insects]. Whatever knowledge they see, they do accordingly. So they take a beating for it.
The Knowledge (Gnan) is itself the absolute Self (Parmatma). Gnan (Knowledge) never becomes agnan (ignorance), but the applied awareness changes and that is what is referred to as agnan (ignorance)!
If you go to 'do' anything, then bondage will happen there. Wherever you 'do', there is bondage and with understanding, there is freedom.
Why can jiva (living being) not attain the self? It is because agnan is dear to it.
Skills (learning) or lack of skills is all egoistic knowledge (ego based knowledge). Ego-free Knowledge is called (true) Knowledge [Gnan].
It is difficult to know agnan (all other knowledge other than the knowledge of the Self, Worldly Knowledge), and easy to know Gnan [knowledge of the real self, the soul]. There is no end to agnan.
That which does not allow one to enter into agnan (worldly knowledge) is called Gnan [Knowledge of the Real Self, the Soul]. When agnan [worldly knowledge] begins to arise, Gnan becomes present and tells him, ‘This is that!
One forgets agnan (worldly knowledge) when he remains in Gnan (Knowledge of the Real Self, the Soul). Man can be in only one place.
Moksha is indeed one’s own nature. When (one’s) knowledge-vision-conduct become enlightened (samayak,becomes right), that is called moksha.
The Soul [the Real Self] and the Gnan [True Knowledge] are always present in crowds, not in solitude. There is peace in solitude, not the (true) knowledge.
The knowledge that breaks karmic bondage is known as Gnan, and that which prevents any new bondage from occuring is called Vignan!
The science (vignan) of religion and the knowledge (gnan) of religion are different things. There is liberation through science!
When certain circumstances of the body tend to happen, the time for insolvency begins. Everything indeed is going to go into insolvency. Therefore You should get your work done. As long as this 'shop' (the body) exists, complete all your transactions.
For dispassion of worldly life (vairaag) one requires experiential Knowledge; it will not do if one goes about it baselessly!
If a person who has dispassion for worldly life (vairaag) attains an instrument such that it helps him aquire the Knowledge of the Self (Gnan), then it is worthwhile; otherwise dispassion for worldly life (vairaag) brings about lifelessness.
That which comes into understanding is darshan (vision) and that which comes into experience is Gnan (knowledge).
That which gives results is Gnan (practical and experiential knowledge). That which does not give results is theoretical knowledge (shooshka-gnan).
What is Gnan (true knowledge)? There should be solutions from all sides and no contradictions should arise. A non-contradictory principle is the one whose sentence will exactly match even if it is spoken after fifty years. No contradiction would arise.
Gnanyog (Union with true Knowledge) is the ‘Established Principle’, while Triyog (union with mind, speech and body) is ‘non-principle’.
Verified Gnan (knowledge) is not just called gnan. Verified gnan is called ‘established principle’.
Gnan’ (knowledge) may be there but ‘correctness’ is required along with it. If you have Gnan but lack ‘correctness’; you will attain moksha (liberation), but others will not gain any benefit!
What is pudgal (non-Self complex made up of mind-speech-body)? It is influx and outflow; it is credit and debit. And if you ‘know’ the Soul (get Self-realized), you will attain liberation.
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.