Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
Body positivity is as simple as making the choice to love yourself despite your shortcomings.
To embrace your whole self and not let others dictate how you feel about your body.
MermaidDiagram Comment.
Life sometimes is like tossing a coin in the air calling heads or tails, but it doesn’t matter what side it lands on; life goes on.
Ladies, it’s harvest time!!! Take care of your crops, water them and weed them out.
As a woman, it’s hard to stay grounded when every time you think you are doing something right, someone wants to pull up the roots you took so long to plant.
Don’t bury yourself in broken dreams of resentment. Expand your life purpose and reap the benefit of happiness!
Education is very important. The more education a woman has the more she is looked down upon. Nothing comes easy for a woman, and that is why she is tough. She has to earn everything she works hard for—that’s fine, and honestly, it isn’t an issue. Hard work grooms a woman to be a powerful force.
Each sacrifice was a process of change. Your tears changed your perception and they cleansed your soul. Those were survival tears. As you were changing, slowly but surely you were forming a connection as you began to think and analyze—this isn’t your life. This isn’t you.
A woman lives with resentment. Resentment hurts, and it is a throbbing pain that leaves deep scars. Although some of the scars heal, the resentment lingers on. When she kneels to pray, she feels as if her prayers fall on deaf ears; the burdens are intolerable.
A woman sacrifices more than she is given, and nobody is willing to take any of the pain that they have caused. Yet she is running at full speed without a break, and her world is crumbling from carrying everyone else’s problems. Where are the extended hands? They are nowhere to be found.
Love abounds against all odds. One thing about love is that it comes with many sacrifices. Its good intentions always reassure you that in order to love someone else, you must be willing to love yourself first.
A woman always gives away the heart of her soul; to her husband and/or significant other, children, family, friends, and in the workplace. A woman goes through so much emotionally, physically, and mentally. However, most of the time it goes unnoticed.
Life has a funny way of expressing itself. I learned that during light or darkness we have to trust the path and follow directions in order to survive the transformation.
A woman is a visionary. She gathers great strength through the hardest challenges. She suits up for the battles that are set before her and executes them without hesitation.
Love is a strange word. It can be misleading and confusing. It can break you down with tender grace and mercy, while at the same time building you up to become a powerful force—and after that, you will never be the same.
Love is filled with a lot of sacrifices and resentment and is underestimated in so many ways. It is something of a Catch-22 and an overwhelming source of empowerment.
Love is an intense emotion that will take a toll on you mentally, emotionally and physically in an unselfish, yet bittersweet way that develops into a deep affection; and sometimes, an unknown outcome.
The darkness taught me to trust my intuition. It helped me to coordinate and bring peace within my center when I walked into the unknown. The darkness helped me to know when I needed to surrender and to dissect each circumstance.
Love will show you that you do not have to search for it because it abides in you whole-heartedly. Love can be bittersweet but its grace is patience. Love is difficult but its mercy is tender. At times love might make you feel empty but you are never alone.
Wake up! Become more aware and alive of what feeds YOUR soul without seeking permission from others. Many curve balls have been thrown. Don’t hesitate—NOW is the time to hit a home run.
Change is like pulling the wool from your eyes and seeing the light for the first time. If you are set in your old ways, it takes people who care about you to help you get over as many hurdles as it takes to finish the course.
Love will open your eyes to realize you are not the victim; instead you are victorious over the trials, battles, and challenges of life.
What is love? It is the essence of the unknown and will overwhelm you if you do not realize you are giving too much of yourself.
What is love? It is the essence of the unknown and will overwhelm you if you do not realize you are giving too much of yourself."-Charlena E. Jackson
You’ve lost a lot, but you’ve gained closure. You are now balanced, centered, focused, and filled with peace surrounding you in your heart, mind, body, and soul.Your pride was hurt, but you would rather walk alone and be more willing to give and learn more about the queen you are.
Take the healing that is being offered. Untangle your fears. Confidence and perseverance are your purpose.
Dear Fallen Warrior, you will not fall apart. Not all wars are meant to have weapons. Your armor is your mind, peace, happiness, drive–and your life. You are powerful! You are unique! You are a warrior because you are the chosen one!!
This transformation helped me to become productive and my mindset became focused on change for the better. My identity was the essence of me, and the path without fear was ahead of me as I walked, knowing that happiness, grace, joy, and love were my birthright!
Another one bites the dust. I am reaping the benefit of self-fulfillment and self-control. I am worthy of all the good things in life.
Your life as a Trailblazer begins at the limit of your comfort zone.
If women come together, we will be the answer to perfect harmony.
A powerful force of women does not have a race or religion. We are human—a powerful human force!
No, you are not perfect. What’s important is that you know your self-worth and you are happy, and that’s all that matters. You now know that you should never underestimate your ability to create your own happiness.Loving yourself first is the foundation that you should never take for granted.
Unapologetic For My Flaws And ALL
Unapologetic for My Flaws and ALL!
Groundbreaker! Stomp the ground and make your mark.
Embrace your individuality by embracing your authentic self. Go deeper to develop a relationship with yourself. Accept who you are; because self-love requires discipline. Create a life that you know is yours—the key to a better you is perseverance.
Our Pioneers and Trailblazers who dared to make the journey into the unknown have given us the courage to break out of our comfort zone to dare to be unique, magnificent, phenomenal; and have set ideals to stand for the power of truth.
When a woman is independent, that’s also a huge issue. I have noticed that an independent woman is spoken down to because she is fearless, free, and she would rather walk alone because she knows her worth. Ladies, there is nothing wrong with that!
Discipline is key when you’re working on self-fulfillment. Therefore, you must stay on course. Success is an ‘inside job’ because it starts with working on yourself first before you can reap any benefits.
It is time to stop molding our girls to please others. It is time to stop teaching our girls that they should bend over backwards to make a man feel good about himself. A woman shouldn’t ever have to belittle herself to make a man feel as though he is being the man.
Take the needle off the record that keeps playing the same song. A full range of potential is headed your way with new discoveries that are going to take you places you only dreamt of.
No more brainwashing—expect the unexpected to blow your mind! Connect with yourself and your life’s purpose—then grow.
Don’t be afraid to step out, enjoy, and be free from everyone’s worries. It is time to live for yourself without guilt or baggage. Smell the fresh air of freedom. You deserve it!
Queen! You are powerful! Act like you know it!
A young lady is taught to never fuss or complain, and to always keep a smile on her face. When a young lady speaks her mind, she is labeled as being impolite and is told to be cautious and mindful of what she says. Something to think about...
Most importantly, a little girl should be taught that she should love herself first, flaws (thorns) and all. However, she’s been raised as a rose without knowing how to handle the pricks from the thorns. She’s left alone to learn how to heal.
After we become a daughter, we become a wife to our husbands and a mother to our children. I believe that is why a woman smiles through the pain because she was always told what she couldn’t or shouldn’t do. Regardless of this, she believed in herself and made it happen.
When a young lady no longer plays with baby dolls or toy kitchens, and she’s trying to find where she fits in today’s society, she is told she needs to learn how to cook, clean, wash, and provide for her husband and family. Why is that so?
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.