Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
Do something just for you every day which makes you feel good.
Take some me time to do whatever makes you happy, and create the habit of doing this every day.
By looking after your soul, it creates a ripple effect throughout your life, and others will benefit from the refreshed you.
MermaidDiagram Comment.
Where LOVE reigns, loves appear. And where LOVE is rejected, enmity triumphs.
Please, today is yours to love and appreciate the people who are in your life; otherwise tomorrow preserves you a regret!
If you love, don't keep past mistakes! The love's proof is forgiveness.
Things have an end but LOVE will stand forever. Not love but LOVE.
A lucky man is the one who is passionate for LOVE not for love. Because love passes with its authors; but before and after the creation, LOVE is.
Nobody is supposed to be victim of any mood! For your mood is not others; even others are not yours. The best is to be the victim of LOVE !
Do not love because you have a profit; but love because you have a LOVING HEART!
Sometimes a "Why" will miss an answer. Some heart's questions don't have answers; it is only "I love you Jesus" that will handle all the questions of the heart!
A marriage engagement is based on two people only, others are to bless and congratulate them; but maintaining that engagement is the responsibility of each of the two!
The Cold war and the Gun war are all wars, and human beings are the ones that suffer from them! Let us all stand for Peace in Love.
Better is the death that impacts many than the life that does not influence any one.
When Jesus Christ is not the Center of our daily lives, we gain only the loss and lose the gain.
You may throw your card on the table and people follow, but remember that in life every candle has it time to be faded! So be simple and kind.
The worst choice in life is regret but the best choice is to know how to overcome in every situation.
Nobody was born hero and no one can inherit heroism; but you become a hero when your whole life has been a sacrifice for others.
Even though doors have been opened for you, better ask your limits!
Every God's gift has a purpose! First, is for His name's sake.
Do not despise the water droplets that you receive. Soon, they will be a river.
Silence is a tool if you want to understand someone who is in need!
It doesn't require a lot of books to inspire or to impact people, even a single sentence on a page can shake the world. So don't be discouraged from writing, keep doing your good work; one day your writings will be marked in many bibliotheca.
If you respect someone to the point of worshiping him, soon God will be worshiped in you as someone. But if you respect someone as a man, you will worship God as God.
Le silence ne signifie pas l'absence de tout, et être aveugle ne te permet pas d'ignorer l'existence de ce que tu ne vois pas!
There is no art without artist, try to paint your future under God's control.
Don't hide or erase your past; it is not there to shame you nor to affect you! It is there to teach you, to encourage you and to remind you how God is Faithful.
Learn from your Past but don't live your Past, the Past can't turn back! The Present is an evidence that God is not a lie; enjoy it and move forward into your future. God cares!
Mieux de frapper avec intelligence qu'avec habitude car le canal a deux bouts!
If God brings people to build your relationship, it is up to you to maintain that relationship!
Ce sont les désirs de ton âme qui seront la projection pour ta vie et c'est la foi dans ton cœur qui conduira tes désirs!
This Pandemic should not be a political tool, it doesn't care about our borders, it is a worldwide killer! So let's put aside our conflicts, put our hands together and fight against this disease to serve the humanity.
Don't blame your challenge, rather get up and see it as a bridge to your success.
People will print what they will capture but try to give the real image through positive thinking for then you will prove them how they were wrong.
Do not despise the water droplets that you receive, soon they will be a river.
As there is no joy for the broken heart, there is also no harmony to a guitar with broken strings.
No matter the way you have been approached, the important is the heart that cared for you and the message it brought to you!
Don't worry about how little that light can be, it will chase away the darkness.
La scène dont tu vois n'est pas celle qui révèle toujours la vérité! Mais celle qui est cachée, retient toujours la vérité.
The fathers of the independence gave their lives by fighting for the human freedom not for the ethnics, so let us give them honour by respecting the human beings not just by repeating their slogans.
Yes, they're always watching on you; and then when you make your history, they'll come in the image of supporters to steal your potential. But don't worry, the God who blessed you is always with you; don't be discouraged.
Your presence will mean a lot when somebody will be crying because of missing you.
Des fois on se trompe que la fête égale les traditions et les cérémonies, mais c'est être ensemble avec des coeurs jamais séparés!
The Sky may seem closed but the Heaven is always opened to those whose eyes are ever toward the Lord!
When we are still young, it is “all things are possible" that is settled in our minds but we ignore that Old-Age and Death are also possible. Meanwhile, let us be active under God's will.
It takes a lot of effort to transform a tree into a match but it doesn't require effort for a match to burn a forest! It's for us to be careful.
It is easy to resist a destroyer who is not of your crowd but it demands more courage to resist a destroyer who knows your weakness.
The wings of an eagle weigh little compared to the mass of its body, but they are these wings which allow that eagle to resist the strong winds and to overcome them.
Here on Earth all is about steps, we start-up by steps and we end-up by steps. Make sure on how you are stepping so that somebody will want to step in your steps.
Nous n'avons aucune raison de nous vanter, car nous sommes comme l'herbe. Si le soleil se lève avec sa chaleur ardente, il dessèche l'herbe et la beauté de son aspect disparaît.
We are not obliged to answer all questions asked or to all accusations; and this doesn't mean that we lack answers. But it is to have a confident silence in Whom we believed, in Whom we are and What we believed for!
When you stand in front of someone and you intimidate that person by saying: "Do you know who I am?"; this means that you don't know really who you are. The answer is simple! You are a man, a candidate to death, an easy subject to ignore or to forget, the prey of what you ignore.
Ne joue pas avec le feu! Ne joue pas avec moi!” Ô homme, pourquoi te compares-tu au feu? C'est vrai que le feu brûle; mais souviens-toi que s'il pleut fort sur lui, celui-ci s'éteint.
Inspiring someone does not require much, but only to be with the person that you want to inspire and acting with an open heart.
There is no need to impress people; for they don't care about your pride, they are busy in their business. But when you'll fall down, they'll talk about you! Better to live as you are and to enjoy what you have without lust.
The great achievement of a Parent is to be a role model to her/his Child by living a positive life! Because a Parent is a flame of fate to a Child.
If someone serves you freely more than your expectations, don't think that he is looking for a reward from you, or that he doesn't know the value of money, or that he's crazy! It is just because his heart is full of generosity.
Ne joue pas avec ton coeur! Il est facile de le voir voler mais très difficile à le récupérer!
The worst lesson from traveling is to feel missing someone without the opportunity to let that person know about it.
Ne juge pas l'escargot sur la base de sa coquille, tu dois d'abord pénétrer physiquement dans sa coquille avant de conclure ta jugement.
Do not expect help from someone who doesn't feel your situation and don't judge anyone. It is not easy to feel someone's situation.
The value that you give to somebody is not determined by the way you spend for him/her, but by the way you treat him/her with patience.
Sometimes it is necessary to enjoy the beat of silence; it may shape our character and make us strong in our emotions.
Silence has its own way of speaking which is detected by the patient people.
God has put in human beings a desire of being loved and to love, to be cherished and to cherish. It is normal.
A new Born Baby is a miracle who brings everyone to be speechless before the Creator, and makes a mother to forget all pains and fear.
Most of the time we spend our money and time by honouring people's ceremonies but the wise is the one who spends his money and time by honouring God's activities and gives what he can't hold forever to the One who can keep it eternally, Jesus Christ.
You may steal my abstract designed frame but remember that, it is but a copy. I will design another one even better than the one! Because the original is in my mind.
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.