Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
Energy flows where attention goes.
To get what you really want in life, you need a clear goal that has purpose and meaning behind it.
Once this is in place, you can focus your energy on the goal and become obsessive about it.
When you learn how to focus your energy, amazing things happen.
MermaidDiagram Comment.
What keeps you awake at night often gives your Life meaning – if you can detach yourself from the what’s-in-it-for-me question and instead ask yourself how you can create value for other fellow voyagers like you.
Life is intrinsically inscrutable. So, don’t try to make sense of Life. You can’t. Simply go with the flow. That’s intelligent living!
The greatest – most beautiful yet least known – quality of Life is that pain is Life's way of teaching us to pause, reflect and apply ourselves to being useful, to serve, to make our world a better place.
Reflection, Resilience and Resourcefulness are three dormant strengths that are inherent in all of us. There's a beautiful interplay between these three qualities. Each one complements the other.They are key to not just surviving a crisis, they help you thrive in one.
Don’t crave for anyone’s understanding. It is futile. Plainly state your views, your preferences and move on…this is the only way to preserve your inner peace and be happy.
Happiness is a decision. You make that decision by choosing to work consistently on – and by removing – all the factors in your Life that make you unhappy.
They say the most powerful prayer is simply saying “Thank You”. And the best way to say “Thank You” is to serve others, to help make our broken world a better place! Inspire everyone at home to pitch in. Remember, the family that serves together is happy – and stays together!!
You wake up from your stupor, from taking your Life for granted, only when you understand its transient nature. When you realize that it is a limited-period offer, that it is literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…that’s when you really start living!
Only when you let go of all that you are clinging on to, will you receive whatever you need. It is in your unclinging, and opening the palms of your empty hands in surrender, that you invoke grace and abundance into your Life. That’s how Life works – no logic, all magic!
There’s only one way to deal with uncertainty. And that is to not fear it. So, don’t resist uncertainty, don’t run away from it, but instead embrace it wholeheartedly!
It is perfectly fine to search all over, stumble along the way, and eventually find Happiness within you, in being who you are, in living with what is!
Fearlessness is not a difficult-to-attain, lofty, abstract state. It is also not the absence of fear. Fearlessness comes from a choice you exercise to look your fears in the eye, it is what fear delivers to you when you turn around and face whatever is scaring you.
Life has no meaning intrinsically. Because you came with nothing and you will go with nothing. Even so, you have an opportunity to make this lifetime meaningful by not just being successful but by being useful – by contributing to making this world a better place.
Life is pretty simple. We make it complicated by expecting it to be only one way, our way, the way we want it to be. When we drop our wants, and accept our Life for the way it is, it transforms instantaneously – no matter what we are going through, it becomes simple, beautiful and meaningful.
When you see a family struggling to let go of a dear one, you realize how overpowering the transient nature of Life is, of how helpless we are in the face of death!
You must explore your sadness, when you are feeling low...without resisting it or driving it away – hold it up, examine it, deeply reflect on it. Over time, when you will realize the futility of holding on to your sadness, you will drop it on your own, and awaken to Happiness!
COVID-19's forcing the whole world to transition - from 'becoming to being'! Isn’t it amazing? Don’t you see what’s happening? The whole world has surrendered; it has been forced, in fact, to capitulate – to jump off the becoming treadmill, to being home, just being!
Never fight Life, flow with it. It will always take you to where you must arrive; it will always make you, shape you, into who you must be. Every experience you go through, interestingly, only makes you stronger, wiser and happy.
Kurai Ondrum Illai!!! It is a simple, uncomplicated, place to be in, this non-complaining state...
Happiness is not about having the "perfect" Life that you have always imagined and dreamed of...Happiness is, simply, learning to accept Life with its imperfections and living fully with what is!
Abundance is a state of mind. It is about looking only at all that you have, feeling grateful for all of it and choosing to not complain about what you don’t have.
It happens sometimes that Life makes you feel so uncomfortable that you start asking questions, start a process of seeking. And that takes you to where you mustarrive...
Go with the flow...keep knocking at all doors, you will be surprised at how many are actually already open...!!!
Yes, only when you embrace you fears, when you accept them, do you learn to face them, and that’s how you turn fearless. Happiness is living Life fearlessly, dangerously!
Following your Bliss has this supernatural, superhuman, quality – it makes Creation speak through you.
Laser-sharp focus, discipline, deciding what not to do and what you will never do, besides choosing to do what you love doing, these are the tenets of intelligent living and hold the key to your being stress-free and happy!
What you seek is what you already have. It is all a mindgame, this Life...flow with it, it is beautiful despite its imperfections!
When you follow your Bliss, magic happens. Life speaks through you and everything you do is art, everything you do touches people, and every offering of yours makes the world a better place.
The ability to “take Life as it comes” is a blessing. This wisdom can only come from having experienced pain and from understanding the power of acceptance.
You have to believe in what you do surely. And you must not compromise on how you express yourself through what you are doing, what you are sharing. Most definitely, you must not compromise for any gain, material gain particularly! This is the key to Happiness.
You are born untouched by worldliness. Liveuntouched. And go away untouched. Success and failure are both worldly labels, they are imposters. Don’t let them get to you.
Permanence is an illusion. Nothing lasts. When this awareness arrives in your Life, you awaken to Happiness – to embracing what is, to finding meaning and Purpose in what is and to be content with what is.
Be focused on your Happiness. Deciding what not to do, because doing it doesn’t make you happy, is as important as knowing what to do. You often arrive at doing what you love doing by choosing not to do stuff that makes you unhappy!
Your role is to travel in the direction of what you believe in, what you love doing. And Life’s job is to get you there. Everyone – and every thing – that you need will always arrive, in time, to get you to where you must arrive!
What must come to you, for you, always finds its way to you...
You are unlikely to find the perfect Life that you want. Even so, you can live fully with what you have, with what you have been given. And you do that by looking Life squarely in the eye, by facing it and by accepting what is, by learning to be happy despite the circumstances.
Life, at the end of the day, is a simple mindgame. This means, essentially, that you learn to control your thoughts, that you learn to be non-worrying, non-frustrated and non-suffering. Then, no matter what you are going through, you live a better, fuller, happy Life.
The COVID-19 pandemic is Life's way of slowing us all down. So, let us take a reflective pause and focus on taking care of ourselves and each other! As it is with most inscrutable situations in Life, there is no other way to deal with this crisis, going with the flow is THE way...!
Think of the COVID-19 situation as a global, mandatory-for-everyone, Masterclass by Life on 'How to embrace uncertainty and go with the flow'! Be sure to glean your own lessons as you stay at home and as the scenario unfolds.
Don’t feed your insecurities, your fears, your worries. Invest your time, attention, energy and resources only in your Happiness, in what makes you truly come alive. Remember, this is the only Life you have!
Life is eventually about things, people, relationships, projects, opportunities money, health and even memories - all of them being taken away from you! Life is about constantly embracing new normals, it is about finding meaning, Purpose, beauty and Happiness in what is!
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.