Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
Do something just for you every day which makes you feel good.
Take some me time to do whatever makes you happy, and create the habit of doing this every day.
By looking after your soul, it creates a ripple effect throughout your life, and others will benefit from the refreshed you.
MermaidDiagram Comment.
When you kiss me,your lips upon mine,your kisses taste so sweet,just like a glass of good wine.
Faith is the first thing that goes when you enter the world of politics.
Minutes lay waste when seconds wait.
Don't change your viewpoint.Just change your perspective.
and he said,"do not shine a light to lead the way unless you are prepared to keep it turned on.
and he said,"why build a mountain?
and he said,"leave anger and hatred behind you if you wish to move forward in life.
and he said,"float upon the river as if your life was in peril.
Time will turn upon itself when deadlines draw near.
Time TunnelTakes me to the future as it was seen in the past in the present time.
and he said,"preach not when you fail to hear your own sermons.
and he said,"friendships may grow on trees, but not all are ripe for the picking.
and he said,"if you use words wisely, then you may water your garden with ease.
and he said,"don't just listen, but hear the words as they are spoken.
Happiness is knowing that each day is a gift.
You are but a universe, in a universe of universes.
Vibration makes the universe hum with life.
MUSICIt has to be felt to be heard.
FriendshipStrangers will all frown the same, but friends will always smile the same.
and he said,"close your eyes and stars shall be your companions.
and he said,"blindness shall be selective when the world comes to the light of the day.
and he said,"pink may color your heart, but blackness will cover your death.
and he said,"not all colors invite comment or condemnation.
LIFE; - You've waited for this since you were born.Don't wait any longer.
Windows make me wish that they were mine.Both to see life and experience it.
Only you can make a difference.No one else.So be the difference that you want to see in others.
Don't practise 'Germ Warfare'.MASK UP!
Don't laugh at a leaf until you have fallen off a log.
Not everyone agrees with wearing a mask, but then again, not everyone agrees with a loved one getting sick and dying either.So face up to wearing a mask and just maybe by doing that, you have saved someone's loved one.Maybe, even your own.
We cry foul when it is done to us, but when we do it to others, we call it okay.We never learn.
Cry, "WOLF!" and you will surely get eaten by your own words.
Dead trollops will always open their eyes in surprise.
Months are just a collection of days that gather dust in the wind.
There's wisdom in working wisely.
and he said,"if I am the way, then you have not looked inwards towards yourself.
Dreams are but interludes in time.
Share the dream.Share the passion.Share the reality.
Sometimes, the road that you don't know, is the road that you do.
Only you can decide.
Don't just see the future.Be your future.
We try not to be like our fathers, but we fail in so many aspects that we become the father of our son.
I cannot change the past, but maybe, just maybe I can change the future to make life better.
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.