Reset, readjust, restart, refocus.As many times as you need to.
Just don't quit!
The couples that are meant to be, are the ones who go through everything that is meant to tear them apart, and come out stronger.
MermaidDiagram Comment.
For self-educated scientists and thinkers such as Charles Darwin, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Leonardo-da-Vinci, Michael Faraday, myself and many others, education is a relentless voyage of discovery. To us education is an everlasting quest for knowledge and wisdom.
The ultimate goal of humanity is knowledge.
Love alters not in the sharp turns of life, if it does, then it never was love.
Until your love makes you leap beyond norms, it ain't love. If your faith is more important than your love, then it's not love. If your tradition is more important than your love, it's not love. If your culture is more important than your love, it's not love.
Until your love makes you leap beyond norms, it ain't love.
Love in its purest form is timeless, for it doesn't bother with time or gain, all it cares for is to care for. In caring it finds grace - in caring it finds serenity - in caring it finds fulfillment - in caring it finds sanity.
When you feel all turned on and steamy, it's not love, it's your sex hormones talking. Nevertheless, when you have a partner, you can use those impulses as a means to strengthen your bond, through gestures of sexual proportions.
True civilized love liberates your mind, instead of binding it with the torturous chains of possessiveness.
One who knows to love knows to live.
Faith in God is optional, but faith in the self – in the spirit within, is imperative.
Start small and keep going.
What good is your knowledge of five thousand books if it doesn't even help five people!
The worth of knowledge is to be measured based on whether it benefits others without discrimination.
Knowledge alone is futile, unless it's guided by the intention of benefitting all.
I would rather lose my intellect than my humility.
Truth is endless and timeless, yet never is it closer to you than the times when you are naively curious.
Truth reveals itself to the inquisitive and runs away from the bigots and cynics
Knowable and unknowable are both human constructs - to have true understanding of the natural world, one must go beyond both, stepping firmly on the grounds of reason while fostering acceptance for others' weaknesses.
If you begin an investigation with the conclusion that what you seek to understand is ultimately unknowable, then you've lost the battle against ignorance before you've even begun.
Love is like a butterfly, when it comes and sits on your palm, you can either care for it and let it fly if it wishes, or you can trap it and see it die.
Nobody is good at love. You don't need to be good at it, you just need to be honest.
If someone doesn't love you at your lowliest, they don't deserve you at your sunniest.
Love that doesn't turn you stupid, is no love.
Without attachment, a naked body is merely a lifeless sex-toy.
A life without sickness is a life without wellness.
Be not scared to sail into the storm, every storm reveals the jewels of life.
Determination designs destiny.
We are conscientious practical human beings whose initiatives should be dictated by the demands of the circumstances and not by ideologies and schools of thought.
I feel, think and behave the same, whether I am talking to a president of a nation, a scholar, a janitor or a sex worker. I have nothing to hide and nothing to gain, hence I have no need for pretense.
Be conscious of your actions - let your actions be driven by your conscience - let your conscience be driven by responsibility - let your responsibility be driven by your humanity.
Calling love a philosophy is like calling the air we breathe a philosophy or the water we drink a philosophy or the ground we stand on a philosophy. Love is the very foundation of human existence.
Simplicity is the sign of a loving and alive mind, whereas cynicism is the sign of a dull and mechanical mind.
Turmoil brings realization and realization brings discovery.
Weakness is yours to command, strength is yours to command - evil is yours to command, goodness is yours to command - you are the king of your own kingdom, so conquer your fears and weakness, for you are the messiah that is on demand.
The shallow seeks witness of their good deeds, but those with character seek only to do good with their deeds.
Determination designs destiny, indifference invites doom.
Nothing worth having in life is ever easy.
Every storm is a reminder to the value of life.
You don't know life, until you have lived for others.
The destination manifests through the one who gives their life to the journey.
Fall down but never back down.
No great achievement is possible without madness.
Grow bigger that your fears and your feet will do wonders.
Be not scared to walk into the dark, your footsteps are the very light the dark is afraid of.
There is no such thing as an ordinary human. Crisis and willpower can turn even the most ordinary human into the most extraordinary beacon of hope and will.
Catastrophe reveals character.
No fall can incapacitate the sacrificial fervor.
Artificial intelligence will not destroy this planet, irresponsible human intelligence will.
Truth never rusts.
Better dope than dilettante.
It's more important to know what we don't know, than to know what we know.
There's more to science than facts and figures.
The search of truth and understanding is an infinite adventure.
The first step of learning is acceptance of ignorance.
I prefer to be seen as a know-nothing idiot, than a know-it-all bigot.
Wise is the one who knows to bow before the right person in search of knowledge.
Cynicism breeds hate, whereas inquiry breeds understanding.
I don't know a lot of things, but the one thing I do know is that I don't know a lot of things.
There is nothing wrong in not knowing, but that ignorance must never be covered with the illusion of knowledge. Only when you know that you don't know, you can learn and grow.
One must learn to embrace the expertise of others, just like one expects one's own expertise to be embraced by others.
Knowledge means having the information that water can quench your thirst, whereas understanding is the experience you have while drinking a glass of water after spending hours in thirst.
More important than the search for truth is acceptance of ignorance.
The day we run out of questions, will be the day we run out of life.
Understanding of truth begins with the acceptance of ignorance
You cannot discover new roads with old maps.
People don't care for facts, unless they can feel those facts in their bones.
All the intellect and knowledge in the world turn dim in front of one simple act of love and kindness.
Nature doesn't create questions without creating the answers first.
Life without liberty, is a life not lived, and life without truth, is a life not understood.
All our children's hopes and dreams turn to ashes in exam papers - their delicate baby wings crack under the weight of books - the classroom ends up as prison and to dream becomes a criminal offence. This is not education, this is bestiality.
Perception of nature is perception of truth.
Knowledge begins with the acceptance of ignorance.
It takes courage to accept one's ignorance.
Only fools talk about wisdom, the wise knows to keep silent and let their action do the talking.
Sometimes we have to be wrong before we can be right.
You can hardly realize the essence of my ideas, if you try to comprehend them in terms of what your society has taught you. To understand me, you must first be free, and start off in an investigative journey with me, like a naïve newborn with no preconceived idea about anything whatsoever.
Being famous is not the same as being right.
A relationship doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be true.
Never give up on love. It is easier to give up in search of a better prize, because the brain always keeps craving for new stimulants, but this way you only keep on searching, never to find peace in love.
Love sees not facts, love sees not reason - love sees not creed, love sees not superstition - love seeks not reward, love seeks not pleasure - love seeks not praise, love seeks not leisure.
Loving someone means giving them the power to kill you, while believing that they won't.
Love is not about finding "the one", it's about being able to rediscover yourself through another person.
Without the mind there is no God.
The first step to self-realization is the realization of the fact that no one can give you freedom.
I am a scientist who doesn't care about science. I am a philosopher who doesn't care about philosophy. I am a monk who doesn't care about spirituality. All I care about is a united humanity.
The only kafir or infidel in the world is not the one who does not believe in God, but the one who does not have humanity in their heart.
Being kind to the stranger, is far more religious than listening and preaching "love thy neighbor" - lending a hand to a person stuck in misery to deliver some peace in their life, is far more holy, than repeating a thousand times "peace be upon Mohammed".
Holiness that starts and ends in books, is no holiness.
A soul trapped in the cage of doctrines cannot fly.
One who is human, is holy - one who is human, is sanctimonious - one who is human, is chaste - one who is human, is pious.
You won't find Christ in the church - you won't find Krishna in the temple - you won't find Jehovah in the synagogue - you won't find Allah in the mosque - the only place they reside is in the humans. Lend a hand to a human in misery and it'll be the highest service to the lord.
When the other becomes I, that's when you know you've attained holiness.
Holiness rises not where stand walls.
If you are human, your mind turns into a breeding ground of holiness, even if you haven’t studied a single letter of the holy books. It's not the book that makes you holy, it's your behavior.
Those who obey without contemplation, never attains holiness.
Read no scripture, but help those in need and you'd be divinity incarnate - study no intellectual publication, but help those in need and you'd be the wisest person alive.
In a recent interview I was asked, what do I represent. And my reply was same as always - I represent a species with all its diversities, not a nation, religion or ideology.
Misery builds character, happiness makes cheesecake.
Until giving becomes your first nature, you'll always be chasing the illusive phantom of happiness.
Belief in God, messiah or some spiritual con-artist is optional, but belief in the self is imperative.
Having a different belief system is not a crime, but having a belief system that belittles other belief systems, is not just a crime, but downright dangerous to peace and progress.
If you wish to worship the lord, do so with love, not terror - if you desire to practice faith, let that faith be guided by tenderness, not bitterness - if you want others to understand your outlook, use friendliness, not force.
عندما يتبنى عدد كاف من الناس نفس الاعتقاد، يتحول هذا الاعتقاد تلقائيًا إلى حقيقة لا يمكن دحضها في نظر الكثير من الناس، حتى لو كان هذا الاعتقاد لا يمت للحقيقة بصلة
Technology won't save this world - reason won't save this world - faith won't save this world – only responsibility will.
If you ain't ready to die for a purpose, you ain't living yet.
Ten footsteps with a purpose can give you more joy than a thousand footsteps without purpose.
If you could be a person who made no mistakes, had no failures and had no disappointments, you would not be a human, you would be a machine.
Pursue happiness and you'll be unhappy, pursue purpose and you'll be happy.
The life of a human has meaning only and only if that life comes to the aid of others.
Suffering is an existential part of human life. What matters is for you to know what is important to you.
The purpose of a camera is to capture memories, not replace them.
Action is life, inaction is death.
Your life is your decision – your life is your design – your life is your creation.
The most important questions of life do not have any factual answers.
If you use your life to improve the lives of even five people, that will be the highest fulfillment of your life, no matter how long you live.
Life stops not when breathing stops, life stops when action stops.
If your life improves the lives of even five people, then your life is successful, but if you live even a hundred years earning billions of dollars, without willingly improving the life of even one person, then your entire life is a waste.
Sign of life is not whether you are breathing, but whether you are helping others.
Outfits don't define your character, your behavior does. Great achievements are born, not from fancy suits, but from great minds. And great minds do not need suits to feel and look important. Only the shallow look at outfits, but the wise knows to look beyond. Look at the person beyond the outfit.
Success for me will be the day when all humans everywhere will stand up with a sense of unity and call themselves humans above everything else.
Failure is the first success.
Change in the world begins with change in your neighborhood. And change in your neighborhood begins with change in you - a change from indifference to responsibility - a change from purpose-less survival to purpose-full living.
Without failure there’s no learning, without failure there’s no discovery, without failure there’s no progress.
Are you insane enough for an idea! If you are, then no paradigm is big enough to depict your vision. Therefore, instead of trying to define your vision to others, you simply need to stand up and sacrifice all for that one idea - in your sacrifice lies the elixir of progress.
To hell with personal consequences - step up and act.
In a thousand years, nobody will remember the naysayers and meek worshippers, but your work will write your name upon the very fabric of time in golden engravings.
Do something so grand with your life that you can speak out loud to the naysayers, not with arrogance, but with self-respect - "if you die, you'll be forgotten in a week, like any other animal on earth, but when I die, my name will be an inspiration to thousands of generations to come.
Awake, my friend! Arise, my friend! Start walking my friend! And do not stop until you bring the change you wish to see in your society!
Some people believe, the destiny of humans is written by God, and I know for a fact, that human destiny is written by none but the humans.
Don't be frightened by your wounds, celebrate them as priceless relics born of your toil.
The harder the work, the sweeter the fruits.
Determination, devotion and deliberation are the fundamental pillars of societal growth.
Be strong – be God – and keep moving, never to back down, no matter the circumstances.
Time is memory - where there is memory, there is time, where there is no memory, there is no time.
I agree that I know nothing. And you know nothing. So, I say, let's figure out together - two equally conditioned pedestrians of freedom with equal potential for truth.
Education means breaking free.
La educación les permite a los humanos alcanzar su potencial mental y físico tanto en la vida persona como en la vida social.
Real education opens up the mind to the vast world of possibilities and potential.
Darkness cannot be expelled with force, it can only be overwhelmed with light.
Wisdom is not an exclusive possession of the intellectual parts of the society.
Being articulate is not the same as being wise. Truth devoid of conscience, is worthless in human existence.
Everything you know is past. And with that disgusting arrogance of knowing the past, one cannot know something novel.
Experience does not give you wisdom. Wisdom comes through liberation of the mind. And since most humans live a conditioned life, they never get liberated in the first place, hence they never even have the taste of wisdom.
You can age for a thousand years, and still, no wisdom will ever manifest, because for true wisdom to manifest, the mind must be free, in the actual sense of the term, and the head must be held high with utmost nobility.
To visualize the future – the vast ocean of possibilities, you must first learn to distinguish between knowledge and illusion of knowledge.
I don't know all the answers, only idiots think that they have all the answers. All I do, is try to understand.
Artificial Intelligence can be a supplement to human insight, not substitute.
Education is an everlasting quest for knowledge and wisdom.
The efforts to rise from darkness into light, from ignorance to knowledge, from prejudices to free thinking, make us real wise beings.
No field of human excellence can progress without a genuine humane conscience driving it in the right direction.
Birth of a question is the beginning of education.
The course of true love is not banked on the sharp turns.
Love without benefits is the purest form of love.
In love, trust is a tonic and suspicion is a poison.
Be her hero and love her even during those times when she despises herself.
Promises that fade in time, are no promises - vows that lose honor in time, are no vows - love that wears off in time, is no love.
It's better to get your heart broken by someone than to break someone's heart.
It's ridiculously easy to fall in love, what's hard is to sustain that love for life.
Loving someone means loving a person even if that person is not with you.
I’d rather lose an argument to the person I love, than win the argument and lose the person.
Drawing a cross on your forehead won't get you into heaven, for real heaven can only manifest around us on earth, if we, the individual humans, start acting as civilized creatures of conscience and character.
Religion is a language, if you can speak it, it's a bridge, if not, then it's a barrier.
If you are human, you are spiritual - if you are human, you are religious - if you are human, you are alive.
The world needs a practical gospel, that's not preached just on Sundays, but only practiced through actions everyday - actions that are beyond praise - actions that are beyond expectations - actions that are beyond all opposites, as well as socially comprehensible labels and terms.
Helping a human is equivalent of a hundred pilgrimages.
No pilgrimage is holier than compassion, no gospel is truer than kindness, no offering is grander than love.
I don't advocate for collectivism, for I am the collective - I don't preach religion, for I am religion - and I am no materialist, for I am the matter and I am the spirit.
I care not about science, I care not about spirituality, all I care about is service of humanity.
A better world begins with a better human.
If you want to have true religion in your heart, then burn the scriptures and go out in the world to end misery.
Being holistic doesn't mean mumbling mystical mumbo-jumbo all the time, it means seeing the reality as it is, without giving in to either supernatural nonsense or intellectual arrogance.
Politics is not going to save this world, science and technology are not going to save this world, religion and spirituality are not going to save this world - what will is our understanding of which belongs where and to what extent.
Who says there's no God, every human who helps a human, is God.
All gods are worthless if your inner godliness remains asleep all through your life.
I, the Son and the Father are one.
I am the wind, when I flow among the Christians, I am Christian, when among the Muslims, I am Muslim, when among the Jews, I am Jew, when among the Hindus, I am Hindu, when among the Atheists, I am Atheist, but when among the fundamentalists, I am a purifying tornado.
Abandon the ceremonies and become an Awakened Soul – a soul that sees no color but the color of joy – no religion but the religion of love – no language but the language of compassion. Become compassionate my friend – become brave my friend! That is true religion. There is nothing else.
I and God are one.
Practicing a thousand yoga postures, doesn't make a person spiritual, nor does uttering "aum" or "hallelujah" a thousand times - what makes a person spiritual, is plain ordinary everyday act of kindness.
Call it love, call it kindness, call it spirituality, call it justice, it's all one.
If a god, deity or scripture commands that being in love with a person of the same gender is a sin, then such god, deity or scripture is more dangerous to the wellbeing and progress of the human civilization than a dog with rabies.
A Monk's life has to do with simplicity, curiosity and compassion - contrary to the popular notion, it has no direct relation to poverty and seclusion.
Curiosity, humility and compassion, these are the fundamental pillars of monkhood, if you have these in your life, then you are a monk, regardless of your financial status and relationship status.
You are not just the vessel that gets poured with enlightenment from the source of enlightenment, but you are the source as well.
If you are thinking of becoming a monk, in the conventional sense of the term, then let me tell you this, don’t waste your life force in being a hobo with a fancy uniform - put it to some good use instead.
I am not a non-believer. In fact, I am a devout believer in God. And that God is I, the Human.
I am not a non-believer. In fact, I am a devout believer – I am a devout believer in God, and I see my God in the humans – in each human.
if your purpose is to find enlightenment, then seek it not outside, but inside, and if your purpose is helping others, then renounce nothing but your obsession for possessions and help those in need in whichever way you can.
Pursuit of a question asked by no one is far greater than memorizing an answer known to everyone.
My science is not separate from my humanity - they fulfill each other - they empower each other.
You wanted to know how I get my ideas - I don't - my ideas get me.
Neuro-linguistic programming is to Neuroscience what Astrology is to Astronomy.
Science is not more important than people - philosophy is not more important than people - religion is not more important than people - people first, then everything else.
Pursue not a life of pleasure, pursue a life of meaning and contentment.
Tantrum begets tantrum, action begets solution.
Leap beyond traditions and let there be love - leap beyond culture and let there be love - leap beyond geography and let there be love - leap beyond labels and let there be love.
A fool is not one who is unintelligent or illiterate, a fool is one who is unable to look at a person beyond the empty labels.
It's not the profession that makes a person wise or fool, it's their character.
Intellect that takes away your humility isn't worth a penny.
In a free society, people may be entitled to their belief, but they are not entitled to bigotry. To the bigots, this may seem like tyranny, but it's an absolute necessity, just like it is absolutely imperative that psychopathic murderers are kept off the streets.
Come what may, I have sailed into the unknown seas.
Security breeds insecurity, independence breeds discovery.
If the work we do is not personal to us, then it's not genuine work.
There is no destination in marriage. It is the journey that matters.
Change is scary but it's necessary.
Be possessed, not with the evils of selfishness and bigotry, but with the values and vigor of humanhood. Be possessed with courage. Be possessed with conscience. Be possessed with the power of reasoning. And above all, be possessed with tremendous confidence in the self.
Your mind is teeming with love, wisdom and freedom - all you need to do is open your eyes.
Service is the only path to greatness.
Life is not fully lived, until you are willing to die for your dream.
There is nothing original about advising others to be original, if one hasn't done anything original oneself.
A few lion-hearts must sacrifice their life, forgetting fame, fun and fortune, so that the rest of humanity can live.
Everyone is mad for something, I am mad for everyone.
Without truth, time is merely the kingdom of the animals. Time brings progress and humanitarian glory, only if truth walks the nerves of our mind, as we walk the alleys of space - in that walk we relinquish the space between the self and the other.
Time is a curious dimension - habit of the preconceived notion can easily reverse the hand of a clock, and yet the clock is still in perfect working order.
Keep in mind my friend, if an answer is not rational, then it is not an answer, but a delusion.
최고의 파트너를 찾지 말고, 당신을 더 나은 버전으로 만드는 사람을 찾으십시오.
It's ridiculously easy to fall in love, even the animals can do that - what's hard is to sustain that love for life, which most animals can't do, but the humans can.
Being in peace doesn't mean absence of misery, it means absence of conflict in the mind.
Global harmony is only the reflection of humankind's internal harmony.
What you call law is essentially the need of an uncivilized and unfree society. A truly civilized and free society needs no law.
We are all reflections of each other in the vast mirror of motion and space.
The world needs psychological singularity, that is oneness among humans, not some pompous biotechnological singularity.
Service of humanity is practical divinity.
Throw away all mystical nonsense and be divine through your acts of kindness - be divine through your gestures of acceptance - be divine through your footsteps of awareness.
If you have realized your responsibility towards your society, then you are more enlightened that all the priests, imams and pundits combined.
I am in misery, I am in pain, but I am not in conflict.
I am not here to peddle you anything – I am not here to convert you either – I am here on earth to be an example of liberation – and if that example appeals to your civilized and conscientious psyche, then embrace it without judging other people’s methods or the paths they walk on.
Plus une personne est unie en lui-même et intérieurement simple, plus elle comprend les choses de plus en plus, parce qu'il ou elle reçoit la lumière de la compréhension de l'intérieur.
God art thou and thy will be done.
La vraie compréhension est une terre indivisible de libération au-delà de tout jugement et de toutes conclusions.
If you have faith in all the trinities and apostles in the world, and still have no faith in yourself, there is no salvation for you.
The best path is to have no path.
Good is god and discrimination is demon.
Being a christian is not about being Christ-fearing, it's about being Christ-like.
A life lived for others is a true religious life.
Evolution is the life-force of metaphysics and spirituality.
A belief is your brain’s self-maintenance mechanism.
The sign of wisdom is to have more questions than answers.
A thinking human must practice thinking.
Talking science all the time, doesn't make a person any more human than a janitor who knows no science. A creature becomes human by helping others, regardless of his or her scientific knowledge.
Think of facts and figures as bricks and cement, and science or scientific understanding as a building. Without the vision of the architect, it's impossible to construct the building no matter how much bricks and cement you have.
Be the paragon of awareness and all things great shall follow, both for you and your kind.
To wonder is to learn - to wonder is to grow - to wonder is to live. Live with wonder - because in the simplicity of wonder lie the answers.
If an action doesn't have life in it, it has gone in waste.
Take it slow and be the flow.
Knowledge Strategy Execution
Motivation is a byproduct of action, not the catalyst for it.
Control your thoughts or your thoughts will control you.
Today is a new day. Stop living in the past.
Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.
You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want great, then be great.
Your goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.