Warren Buffett is worth $75 billion but has said he could live happily on $100,000 a year. In fact he has spent his entire life building his multi billion fortune to now think of ways to give it away for the greater good.
Ninety-nine percent of Buffett’s wealth is in Berkshire Hathaway stock, and this wealth will be given to philanthropic good causes.
He is content with McDonalds breakfasts and the same house he's lived in since 1958. Why is this? Because this brings him happiness, it's that simple.

He sees the rest of his wealth as a means to provide further happiness to others, and in so doing give back contentment and satisfaction, to his own existence.
After all what is our purpose here. To die with a huge unfulfilled monetary gain in our bank accounts? Sure you can pass that on to your off spring, but it can also provide the helping hand to facilitate others in curing disease, building better environments and giving fresh starts to those that need it most.
The main point is, you don't need huge amounts of stored income to support your life, if your standards and needs are currently met, at an attainable level that works for you.
Having achievable needs that fit in line with your own income, will then allow you to have that contentment and happiness in how you exist now.
If I was Warren Buffett, sure I could buy my dream car, house, vacations etc. But in his world with all his opportunities, these things have never been a need for him. What drives him is his passion for what he is creating and see develop. The more wealth means a bigger change in the causes he believes in.
Equally for you, with a tiny comparable income, it is possible to be content and happy. As long as the basics of food, shelter, health, and an income to support these exists, then you to could be experiencing what Warren appreciates.
The majority of people can afford what Warren Buffet lives by each day. With his basic takeaway breakfasts, sodas and living in the same home for over 60 years.
Find a passion that drives you and gives you contentment. Live within your means. Build up enough savings to provide a big enough buffer to take away concerns for the future.
With that plan, your life will feel better, more in control and fulfilled. You only need enough income to find that happy balance to give you peace, so stop worrying about being the richest man in the grave, and start loving what you have now.